The Truth About Money with Ric Edelman
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S3 E1 - Episode 1
December 31, 201225minFinancial planner Ric Edelman answers a vital viewer question on how to protect against inflation. Ric also talks with astronaut Dan Barry about ways to invest in the final frontier, and Jean Edelman explains how a little humor can go a long way.Available to buyS3 E2 - Episode 2
December 31, 201225minRic Edelman offers advice to a homeowner who is underwater on her mortgage; provides financial basic training to troops at Fort Belvoir; interviews Avi Reichental, an expert in 3D printing, about how consumers and investors can take advantage of this cutting-edge technology; and Jean Edelman shows us that while money can't buy happiness, finding joy in the little things can be priceless.Available to buyS3 E3 - Episode 3
December 31, 201225minFinancial planner Ric Edelman adjusts a young investor's expectations who thinks investing in stocks should be exciting; advises an audience member on how her "friend" can get back on the right financial path; speaks with Brad Templeton of the Electronic Frontier Foundation on how to protect private information in a world that's becoming more and more wired.Available to buyS3 E4 - Episode 4
December 31, 201213minInvestment advisor Ric Edelman joins the Army for a limited tour of duty to help train our troops financially; interviews scientist and entrepreneur Raymond McCauley about strength in numbers with crowdfunding; and Jean Edelman looks at facing our fears.Available to buyS3 E5 - Episode 5
December 31, 201225minFinancial advisor Ric Edelman helps a dad understand what is more important - saving for his child's college fund or his own retirement; advises the best way to invest a bucketful of cash from a home sale; interviews astronaut Dan Barry about human space colonies; and Jean Edelman explains the benefits of a good mental workout.Available to buyS3 E6 - Episode 6
December 31, 201225minFinancial planner Ric Edelman says "not yet" to a couple who is just about to say "I do;" explains why even though rental property can be a good investment, it might not be for military families; interviews futurist Brad Templeton and learns self-driving cars will soon be a reality; and Jean Edelman shows us the benefits of giving back.Available to buyS3 E7 - Episode 7
December 31, 201225minInvestment advisor Ric Edelman advises a woman who uses her debit card for everything and is concerned about building her credit history; talks with Avi Reichental, a leading developer in 3D printing, about 4D (and even 5D) printing and when we can expect it; and Jean Edelman explains the importance of patience.Available to buyS3 E8 - Episode 8
December 31, 201225minFinancial advisor Ric Edelman reveals who really benefits from Roth IRA conversions; surprises an audience member with a mortgage refinancing recommendation; interviews astronaut Dan Barry about the growing role of robots in the future; and Jean Edelman shares the power of a smile.Available to buyS3 E9 - Episode 9
December 31, 201225minFinancial planner Ric Edelman tackles the question whether it's better to own a home free and clear or to get a big, long mortgage. Plus, a team of scientists believes Chicken Little may have been right, the sky really is falling! Jean Edelman shares her insights on moving forward in the face of adversity.Available to buyS3 E10 - Episode 10
December 31, 201225minFinancial advisor Ric Edelman teaches a dad about the high cost of higher education; explores the cyber-securing of your financial information, and Jean Edelman explains the importance of clear communication.Available to buyS3 E11 - Episode 11
December 31, 201225minInvestment advisor Ric Edelman discusses which type of investment is appropriate for you; explains when to start saving for a house vs. when to buy; interviews Salim Ismail about why investors need to think globally about technology breakthroughs; and Jean Edelman shows us how change is good.Available to buyS3 E12 - Episode 12
December 31, 201225minFinancial advisor Ric Edelman explores if green energy could mean more green in your bank account; talks with Dr. Daniel Kraft about technology and evidence-based healthcare; explains that if you can retire at 45 it doesn't necessarily mean you should; and Jean Edelman shares her perspective on what money is.Available to buyS3 E13 - Episode 13
December 31, 201225minFinancial planner Ric Edelman offers advice to a man unable to save even though he's working three jobs. Save for your kids' college education or save for your retirement ... which is more important? Ric interviews Neil Jacobstein about artificial intelligence and robots; and Jean Edelman explains the impact of too much clutter.Available to buyS3 E14 - Episode 14
December 31, 201225minInvestment advisor Ric Edelman teaches a college student how to understand the value of her degree; explores whether there's big bucks in tiny technology; and Jean Edelman shares her perspective on "catching the wave."Available to buyS3 E15 - Episode 15
December 31, 201225minFinancial advisor Ric Edelman looks at investing today into tomorrow's energy resources; advises on how to save for tomorrow while living in the present; and Jean Edelman provides tips on balancing your schedule.Available to buyS3 E16 - Episode 16
December 31, 201225minFinancial planner Ric Edelman discusses the pros and cons of investing in real estate; provides a recent college graduate important steps to take now to build her financial future; interviews Dr. Daniel Kraft about medical breakthrough technologies; and Jean Edelman talks about moral courage.Available to buyS3 E17 - Episode 17
December 31, 201225minInvestment advisor Ric Edelman answers the question if it's a good idea to dip into your retirement nest egg to buy your dream home; interviews Rob Nail about how Moore's Law will impact humanity's future; and Jean Edelman explores the power of words.Available to buyS3 E18 - Episode 18
December 31, 201225minFinancial advisor Ric Edelman explains what to do if you've had a late start on saving; advises what to do with money leftover at the end of each month; and Jean Edelman shares how to live a balanced life.Available to buyS3 E19 - Episode 19
December 31, 201225minFinancial planner Ric Edelman reveals the key to getting young adults to think about retirement; explains how to know if you're saving enough money; and interviews Kathryn Myronuk about convergence and what it has to do with technology and economics.Available to buyS3 E20 - Episode 20
December 31, 201225minFinancial Planner Ric Edelman reveals how to set up a retirement plan if you're self-employed; explains the best thing to do with a 401(k) from a former employer; explores what the future looks like once we run out of oil; and Jean Edelman discusses the beginner's mind and being open to new experiences.Available to buyS3 E21 - Episode 21
December 31, 201225minInvestment advisor Ric Edelman explains the economic realities of a college education if you haven't saved for it; interviews Scott Hubbard about investing in the future of space exploration; and Jean Edelman shows us the benefits of doing the right thing.Available to buyS3 E22 - Episode 22
December 31, 201225minFinancial advisor Ric Edelman reveals the best way to pay for your children's college tuition; answers the question if it's ok to walk away from an underwater mortgage; explores how to keep autonomous machines from attacking humans physically and financially; and Jean Edelman discusses focusing on what you can control in life.Available to buyS3 E23 - Episode 23
December 31, 201225minFinancial planner Ric Edelman reveals how changes to the tax law impact your charitable giving; provides dollars-and-sense advice on whether it's better to buy one stock or an index fund; and Jean Edelman tells us how to eat an elephant.Available to buyS3 E24 - Episode 24
December 31, 201225minInvestment advisor Ric Edelman discusses precious metals as part of a portfolio; interviews Ramez Naam about the energy revolution and investment opportunities; and Jean Edelman explains the importance of tuning in to your "inner voice."Available to buyS3 E25 - Episode 25
December 31, 201225minFinancial advisor Ric Edelman reveals how tax code changes will impact itemized deductions; explains the importance of goals in order to successfully save; explores a sci-fi medical gadget is on the verge of becoming reality; and Jean Edelman shares how to put yourself at ease with change.Available to buy
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- Russ Hodge
- Russ HodgeCynthia ScottJohn Armand
- Ric Edelman
- Janson Media
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