
The Adventures of Peter and Wolf

A sitcom about the adventures of ordinary schoolboy Peter and talking Wolf connecting the world of people to parallel universes, where there live robots and vampires, werewolves and zombies, giants and aliens, fairies and centaurs, clones and invisible men! The characters will have to solve locals' problems and regularly save the world.
201926 episodes7+
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  1. S1 E1 - The Inadvertent Curse Case

    October 15, 2019
    Wolf approaches Peter in the street, asking for help. Peter is shocked to see a talking wolf, but he agrees anyway. Wolf is looking for something to scare away a ghost. Peter's got an ultrasonic generator just for the job. Wolf takes Peter to a parallel world, where they try the generator, but to no avail. The Raven tells Wolf it is not a ghost but a curse.
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  2. S1 E2 - The Deadbone Case

    October 15, 2019
    Deadbone has a problem: his treasure is in one place; while the key to his life is hidden in a trunk somewhere else. His foes, the knights, are hunting high and low for both his treasure and life. Deadbone can't guard two places simultaneously and asks Wolf for help. Peter ends up finding a slick technological solution...
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  3. S1 E3 - The Case of Trihead the Dragon

    October 15, 2019
    The three heads of the dragon have gotten into an argument yet again: the middle head is now focused on self-improvement and is encouraging Trihead to play music. The other two heads can't stand it and kidnap Wolf so he'll introduce Trihead to Peter and put a stop to the racket. Wolf asks Peter for help, and Peter comes up with a good fix.
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  4. S1 E4 - The Case of the Wicked Witch

    October 15, 2019
    The Witch comes to the modern city and asks Pete to help find her daughter's office. After a series of mishaps, everybody ends up on a secret military base. Now they all have to think together to find a way out of this mess.
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  5. S1 E5 - The Santa Claus Case - part 1

    October 15, 2019
    Santa Claus cannot come to his senses after his summer hibernation. Pretending to be a relative, Santa Claus wants to fetch Peter from school, but, being acquainted with all Peter's relatives, Miss Marie refuses to let the boy go anywhere alone with a stranger. She decides to walk them home and thus gets involved in their adventure too.
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  6. S1 E6 - The Santa Claus Case - part 2

    October 15, 2019
    Miss Marie, Santa Claus, and Wolf deliver gifts. Peter gets a refrigerator for the Snow Girl, but they all are loaded on a plane heading to Africa. The Snow Girl keeps melting faster and faster. Santa Claus, Wolf, and Miss Marie rush to her rescue. The time is running out, as they still have many gifts to deliver to all the children of the world.
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  7. S1 E7 - The Kolobok Case

    October 15, 2019
    An old man and his wife ask Wolf to help them find Kolobok before the Fox does. It turns out that Kolobok is drowning in debt because of his gambling. Now he must pay off this debt by working for Mishap. And Mishap is all about bringing misfortune to everyone around him. Peter and Wolf set off to free Kolobok from his debt slavery. And, needless to say, Kolobok is indeed being chased by the Fox.
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  8. S1 E8 - The Frog Princess Case

    October 15, 2019
    The Tzar has decided to marry off his sons. Every son must shoot an arrow, whatever house that arrow hits, the son shall take a bride from there. Prince Ivan is going to marry the Frog Princess, though she is not happy about such a hasty wedding. In the middle of commotion, Prince Ivan confuses Peter's Mom for his Frog Princess and takes her away.
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  9. S1 E9 - The Aquatic Case

    October 15, 2019
    Aquatic has flooded everything with water, taken Deadbone's magic tablecloth and seven-league boots, and now he wants to get something for their return. Deadbone is indignant-why must he give up anything for the stuff that is actually his own? Wolf offers that Peter should arbitrate. Peter tells them that he shall keep the things until Aquatic and Deadbone come to an agreement.
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  10. S1 E10 - The Gnomes Case

    October 15, 2019
    Sylvester the Gnome needs a new home; Peter helps him to settle in the elevator, as gnomes live in mechanisms. As the neighbors show bad behavior, Sylvester keeps shutting down the elevator. Later, when a whole stream of gnomes come in need of home too, Peter helps them settle around the city. Soon, chaos breaks out, all equipment failing.
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  11. S1 E11 - The Forest Spirit and the SuperRobor Case

    October 15, 2019
    The forest spirit turns up homeless after a dragon burns down his forest. Now he is looking for a new home and moves into everything. The troubles begin when the spirit inhibits a microchip in Peter's robot and tries to grow a new forest from some seedlings right in Peter's apartment. And that is only half the issue. The robot evolves, now it can create more biorobots.
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  12. S1 E12 - The Vampire Case

    October 15, 2019
    Count Dracula is the only vampire left on Earth. Peter and Wolf need to help Count move to the vampire world, but they, mistakenly, get him to Peter's apartment. Count Dracula bites Peter's Grandpa, turning him into a vampire. Now Peter and Wolf must find an anti-vampire who turns vampires back into humans...
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  13. S1 E13 - The Rebel Genie Case

    October 15, 2019
    What would the genie do if his new master, Aladdin's nephew, wishes all people grew trunks and horns? Well, he'd run away and ask Wolf for help. Except the genie can't help but fulfill the lamp owner's wishes. So now the genie is chased by the tech support that wants him recycled. Peter tries to get to the bottom of it to save the genie.
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  14. S1 E14 - The Firebird and the Tzar Case

    October 15, 2019
    The Tzar tasks Wolf with catching the criminal that keeps stealing the royal Firebird's feathers. Wolf brings Peter aboard. During the crime re-enactment, the Firebird flies away from Peter's apartment, blinding Grandpa with its bright light. Peter and Wolf head off in hot pursuit, leaving temporary blind Grandpa with the Tzar to keep Grandpa safe.
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  15. S1 E15 - The Case of Gamayun the Prophet Bird

    October 15, 2019
    Peter's Grandpa is getting ready for an audition. He might become a star in a movie! Wolf brings Gamayun the Prophet Bird that can predict the future. The thing is, everyone keeps kicking her out because her prophecies are, to put it mildly, not very pleasant. Gamayun informs Peter's Dad that today he shall meet death. Dad's shocked.
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  16. S1 E16 - The Last Viking Case

    October 15, 2019
    All the Viking's comrades-in-arms have long gone to Valhalla to feast with the Valkyries. All of them died in battle. The Viking is sad; he always believed he would meet the same fate. But he's too strong and too brave, no one can beat him. Therefore, there's no chance he will get to Valhalla. Peter and Wolf do try to help the Viking die a hero, but to no avail.
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  17. S1 E17 - The Frankenstein Monster Case

    October 15, 2019
    Many years ago, Professor Frankenstein revived a creature assembled from different body parts. The creature called Monstro turned out to be not very quick on the uptake and mistook Professor for his Dad. Peter and Wolf set to find Professor Frankenstein, assuming he's invented the immortality elixir. Meanwhile, Monstro is acting like a child as he had no childhood and no dad around either.
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  18. S1 E18 - The Ghosts Case

    October 15, 2019
    For helping the glass people, Peter receives a gift-the glasses through which one can see and hear ghosts. Grandpa suggests they go treasure hunting in an abandoned house, where Peter meets the Butler's ghost. Later, in the street, Peter and Wolf see the Postman's ghost that must deliver a letter. Now that Postman's ghost keeps following Peter everywhere...
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  19. S1 E19 - The Invisible Man Case

    October 15, 2019
    The scientist named Koshkin has found a way to make himself invisible. Is that great? Perhaps it is. It's just that he's made everyone in this world invisible too. And now he is doing the same to Peter's world. Agent Omega, also invisible, sets to find Koshkin. Peter's family become invisible as well. Peter must persuade Koshkin to give up his visibility formula.
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  20. S1 E20 - The Lost Giant Case

    October 15, 2019
    Peter and Wolf find out that a Giant has been using locals as chess pieces to play on a huge chess field. Peter beats the Giant at chess. It turns out that the he, despite being huge, is still a young boy running away from his town because a teenager keeps bullying him-teasing him for never being able to put the ball into the basketball hoop. Peter and Wolf decide to help him.
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  21. S1 E21 - The Clones Case

    October 15, 2019
    Dad and Mom scold Peter. He's not doing well at school, he's missing his trainings, he doesn't help Mom with the housework. Wolf takes Peter to the world of clones. Peter orders four ones to go to school, to train, and to help around the house in his place. The clones want Peter to tell his parents about them.
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  22. S1 E22 - The Mermaid's Wedding Case

    October 15, 2019
    The Mermaid and the Sailor fall in love with each other. For their wedding, the Mermaid makes a deal with the Witch-the old woman asks simply to share a good mood, and for that, she shall give the Mermaid legs. The poor girl has no idea what a treacherous trap the old woman has set for her.
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  23. S1 E23 - The World Tree and the Woodman Case

    October 15, 2019
    A woodcutter, Peter, and Wolf travel to the human world to find the World Tree called Dorvobot. Legend has it that Dorvobot wants to destroy all existing trees. The heroes are off to find out its true intentions.
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  24. S1 E24 - The Werewolf Case

    October 15, 2019
    Miss Marie gets bitten by a dog and becomes a werewolf. The transformation occurs whenever the teacher is stressed, but she cannot just leave her job. This leads to some interesting results...
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  25. S1 E25 - The Flying Dutchman Case

    October 15, 2019
    There's a curse hanging over the Flying Dutchman, and the pirated turn to Peter and Wolf for help: as they got hands on the enchanted watch, their ship became visible to humans, and now they need to disguise it. Together they set sail in search of Poseidon.
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Aleksey LebedevRoman Sokolov


Lika Blank


Daniel CortesAlex TeixeiraAubrey KesserAlex AlvarezAvi Hoffman


Janson Media
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