
Happy Yoga With Sarah Starr

Relax and recharge while enjoying the beauty of nature's most tranquil and scenic settings with certified yoga instructor Sarah Starr. In each episode Sarah gently guides viewers through a modified yoga practice using a chair for support. Receive yoga's rejuvenating benefits as you relax and tone your body, increase flexibility, improve your breathing habits and posture.
201713 episodesTV-G
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  1. S1 E1 - Waterfall

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    July 5, 2017
    Allow the beauty of the inspiring waterfall energy to recharge your body as we focus on standing postures designed to improve balance while creating more flexibility in the legs and hips using a chair for support.
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  2. S1 E2 - Peaceful Woods

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    July 5, 2017
    Bask in the deep silence of a lush wooded paradise as we create more grace and fluidity in your body using a chair for support, beginning with stretches to open the shoulders and chest, a rejuvenating modified flow practice, ending with a spacious hips and hamstrings sequence.
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  3. S1 E3 - Golden Sunset

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    July 5, 2017
    Savor the golden light of sunset with a rejuvenating modified yoga practice using a chair for balance and support. Includes seated and standing postures focusing on opening the hips and elongating the spine, while increasing circulation.
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  4. S1 E4 - Desert Gold

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    July 4, 2017
    Bask in the brilliant desert sunflower bloom as we enjoy easy to follow yoga moves for the whole body. Including gentle sun salutations along with stretches to create more ease in the wrists, neck, shoulders, chest, back, hips and more using a chair for support.
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  5. S1 E5 - Sunny Brook

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    July 4, 2017
    Enjoy the sunny woods and calming brook as we reconnect you to your abdominal muscles with gentle seated exercises using a chair for support. Including moves to ignite the core as well as activate the hip flexors and quadriceps.episode 5
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  6. S1 E6 - Waterfall Haven

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    July 4, 2017
    Relax along the rejuvenating waterfall setting as we calm the body and mind with a gentle yoga practice using a chair for support, including stretches for the neck, shoulders and upper back combined with modified seated forward bends to stretch the hamstrings and hips.
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  7. S1 E7 - Ocean Sunset

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    July 4, 2017
    Savor the peaceful ocean sunset as we focus on upper body stretches for the hands, wrists, shoulders and chest, as well as gentle seated postures to create more flexibility in the lower body.
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  8. S1 E8 - Sunflower Splendor

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    July 5, 2017
    Breathe in the grandeur of a brilliant sunflower setting as we gently stretch and lengthen the spine in a full range of motion, helping to move energy while creating more strength and flexibility in the lower body, using a chair for balance and support.
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  9. S1 E9 - Boulder Valley

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    July 5, 2017
    Allow the energizing gales on top the rugged grandeur valley to inspire your practice as we focus on a modified flow sequence, linking breath with movement, and strengthening moves for the lower body designed to open the hips while using a chair for support.
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  10. S1 E10 - Beach Cove

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    July 5, 2017
    Relax and rejuvenate amid the tranquil beach setting, drawing in calm, soothing energy from the ocean waves as we focus on gentle seated postures to strengthen the legs while opening the hips, combined with upper body moves to stretch the shoulders and chest using a chair for support.
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  11. S1 E11 - River Waterfall

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    July 5, 2017
    Allow the dramatic river falls to inspire your yoga practice as we enjoy a warrior series designed to build strength and flexibility in the lower body while creating more ease in the neck, shoulders and upper back using a chair for support.
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  12. S1 E12 - Cascading Paradise

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    July 5, 2017
    Bask in the paradise of the magnificent waterfall setting as we gently stretch and lengthen the spine in a full range of motion, including moves to create more ease in the hips, shoulders and upper back using a chair for support.
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  13. S1 E13 - Desert Sunset

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    July 5, 2017
    Enjoy the glorious desert sunset, gaining clarity and stability with a modified yoga practice using a chair for support. Includes modified seated sun salutations, stretches to open the hips and release tension in the spine and a standing sequence linking breath with movement, building strength, balance and focus.
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David Starr


Sarah Starr


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