xivetv documentaries

Nigel Latta Blows Stuff Up

Season 1
Nigel Latta a longtime passionate science enthusiast takes viewers on an actionpacked expedition that isnrsquot just groundbreaking but also glass breaking house burning freefalling car crashing and lightning conducting Each episode sees Nigel tackling a different topic in an effort to find out what really makes the world work
20208 episodes7+
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  1. S1 E1 - Lightning

    June 4, 2020
    In this episode Nigel tests conductivity by putting electricity through a small child We see what kind of destruction a whole lot of amps can do and what small electric shocks do to a human as well as big electric shocks when Nigel tries to survive a lightning bolt
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  2. S1 E2 - Explosions

    June 4, 2020
    Whats the difference between movie explosions and real explosions Maybe Nigel can walk away from a movie explosion in slow motion like an action hero but can he walk away from a real one Nigel blows stuff up to find out
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  3. S1 E3 - Weather

    June 4, 2020
    In this episode Nigel looks at the science of extreme weathernbspDoes a hat really make a difference in the freezing cold Should you walk or run in the rain if you want to stay dry And what happens when Nigel gets hit with hurricane speed winds
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  4. S1 E4 - Collisions

    June 4, 2020
    In this episode Nigel crashes a small modern car into a large heavy old car to find out which one you and your family would be better off in Are you better off trusting the science behind a fivestar safety rating or all the metal in the way automobiles used to be made
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  5. S1 E5 - Fire

    June 4, 2020
    In this episode Nigel shows us the science of exactly what it takes to start a fire and experiences firsthand what its like to be inside a burning house by burning down a house
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  6. S1 E6 - Space

    June 4, 2020
    Nigels mission is to explore strange new worlds seek out new life and new civilizations and boldly go where no television presenter has gone before With the help of actual rocket scientists Nigel attempts to be the first New Zealander in space
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  7. S1 E7 - Sound

    June 4, 2020
    Sound is one of those weird everyday things we all know about but most of us dont really understand how it works In this episode Nigel tries to break the sound barrier and ends up breaking all kinds of other stuff along the way
    Subscribe for $2.99/month for 3 month(s) and $4.99/month thereafter
  8. S1 E8 - Gravity

    June 4, 2020
    In this episode Nigel takes on Galileo and tests the law of gravity by jumping out of a plane alongside an orange to see which will hit the ground first
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Mitchel HawkesBrian Challis




Nigel Latta


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