Norman Normal

What would your life be like if you were the only one in your family without super powers? It would be like Norman's!Norman is just like any other 13 year old boy, but his family is out of the ordinary. They're all superheroes! Dan can bend steel, Mom can teleport objects and his little sister is a girl genius. Even the dog can fly! Norman know's it is unfair but copes as well as he can.
199826 episodes7+
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  1. S1 E1 - The revenge of culture maniac
    December 31, 1997
    Norman will go to any lengths to impress Jenny, the prettiest girl in school. Unfortunately, she is blissfully unaware of his existence...Until he sets up the perfect date. Jenny is coming to his house to watch "Alien Cannibals" on TV! But his plans are thrown into disarray when the world's TV networks are mysteriously swamped with documentaries.
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  2. S1 E2 - Party On
    January 1, 1998
    Dr. Smooth, tortured by years of cruel jibes about his 'nerdiness', has composed an evil plot to attract a gigantic meteor and destroy human kind. Meanwhile, with his superhero family off collecting yet another award, Norman has arranged a romantic soirée with Jenny.
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  3. S1 E3 - The Baby IQ Caper
    January 2, 1998
    Norman's fantasies of rock stardom are temporarily crushed when he is forced to suffer the indignity of performing at his baby sister's garden party.
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  4. S1 E4 - The Ring of Deceit
    January 3, 1998
    After Norman suffers humiliation on the basketball court, Irwin feels it's time he and Norman had a weekend camping in the wilds. He couldn't have picked a worse weekend. The world's wealthiest woman, Zelda Hinkelbottom-Smythe The Third is bored. It is only as her alter ego, the mischievous Missy Kaboom that she can have any fun.
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  5. S1 E5 - Man of the People
    January 4, 1998
    It's that time of year again. Time to elect the student body president. And who better to represent the normal students than Norman Stone? The election race with his arch rival, Slick, is on! Meanwhile, Missy Kaboom has discovered that earthquakes can be fun. The Powerfamily have to be everywhere at once, just to keep the cities of the world standing.
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  6. S1 E6 - Norman's Double Comeback
    January 5, 1998
    As usual, Norman is being bullied at school. But now he's had enough. With some impromptu martial arts training from George The Wonderdog, he sets out to put things right.
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  7. S1 E7 - Big Night
    January 6, 1998
    When George The Wonderdog does Norman's homework, Miss Chatsworth is so impressed that she selects Norman to direct the school play, "Romeo and Juliet." Naturally, Jenny is promptly cast as Juliet. But who'll be her Romeo? Norman? Slick?
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  8. S1 E8 - The Wrong Kidnappers
    January 7, 1998
    There's bound to be trouble, when Boris and Bela, Dr. Smooth's disgruntled henchmen strike out on their own. Kidnapping seems like a promising career. But when they mistake Norman Stone for the incredibly rich Foster Farnsworth the third, they're inviting trouble.
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  9. S1 E9 - Best Buddies
    January 17, 1998
    Romance is in the air again. But this time it's for Martin Bloomer! It's really getting on Norman's nerves. Martin is spending all his time with the charming Bibi, when he should be practising with the band. Norman is determined to wreck the romance.
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  10. S1 E10 - Hero for a day
    January 18, 1998
    Edith breaks the number one rule of being a mom. She makes something really cool: a superhero outfit for Norman's school fancy dress party. But when Norman accidentally foils Dr. Smooth, he becomes a hero for real. He's not complaining. Jenny is crazy about him.
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  11. S1 E11 - Aargh! Zits!
    January 19, 1998
    It seems like the end of Norman's world when, on the eve of a big speech at school, he gets a conspicuous zit on his chin. He doesn't know how good he's got it! Missy Kaboom has developed a formula that causes a world-wide out break of extreme spottiness. Even the Powerfamily are not immune.
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  12. S1 E12 - Superbugs
    January 20, 1998
    Toby and Mildred Nicely are the world's nicest couple. So nice in fact, that they're a huge threat to society. Disgusted by the way the colour green clashes so badly with everything, they are determined to eradicate it from the planet.
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  13. S1 E13 - Night of the gnomes
    January 21, 1998
    Norman is caught in a strange love triangle. A new Swedish student, Anna has a crush on him. But Slick has a crush on her. Norman approaches the problem in a typically unconventional way. It's time for Slick to become more normal than Norman.
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  14. S1 E14 - Norman was 'ere
    January 22, 1998
    When a mystery graffiti artist gets paint happy all over town, Norman is implicated. Determined to find out who's set him up as a patsy, he turns hard boiled detective. Meanwhile, it's time for dance classes all round as Dr. Smooth gets the world jigging to his own crazy tune.
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  15. S1 E15 - Norman's big break
    January 23, 1998
    It looks like Norman and the Normals are finally on their way to the big time when they get signed up by the mysterious Colonel Barker. The Nicelys have decided that it's time the world learned some manners. The Powerfamily have a bizarre new adversary, in the form of The Nicelys' invention, Robo-Butler.
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  16. S1 E16 - The Heat is On
    January 24, 1998
    Baby IQ has a bad cold. When the Powerfamily are called away to solve a volcano crisis, the world's worst babysitters leap into action, Martin and Norman! Of course, Norman has a hidden agenda. Now, if he can just get the genius rugrat to drop off for long enough, he and Martin can watch the forbidden "Slimedevils" movie.
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  17. S1 E17 - False Alarm
    January 25, 1998
    Just when it seems that the Powerfamily have solved all the world's crimes, Missy Kaboom re-surfaces with a whole new set of problems. As dams burst, and tens of thousands of stink balloons hang threateningly over the city, Norman is getting his sealegs tested by that trusty old salt, Grandpa Stone.
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  18. S1 E18 - I Spy
    January 26, 1998
    Somebody is kidnapping the city's pets. Norman is having some very serious teacher trouble. Culture Maniac has invented a shrinking ray.
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  19. S1 E19 - Bad Company
    January 27, 1998
    Norman's life is transformed when he is adopted as the sidekick of the coolest kid in town, the motorcycling, leather-wearing Damian. Missy Kaboom in the meantime has a brand new toy: the "Unlikely Event Randomizer" which causes reality to warp in the most improbable ways. It's not easy for the Powerfamily to do battle when they're trapped in each other's bodies.
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  20. S1 E20 - School's Out
    January 28, 1998
    How does it feel when your baby sister is invited to lecture at your school? Norman finds out the hard way. Dr. Smooth is back with a bizarre plan to turn the entire population into nerds. Norman and Susie are forced to team up when Dr. Smooth takes the entire school hostage.
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  21. S1 E21 - Black Out
    January 29, 1998
    The Powerfamily have lost their memories, courtesy of The Niceleys' amnesia ray. Before they can do anything about the amnesia epidemic that's threatening to sweep the planet, Norman has to convince them that they're superheroes!
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  22. S1 E22 - The N - Files
    January 31, 1998
    Norman and his friends are making their first movie, a sci-fi epic. Little do they know that Culture Maniac has made contact with real aliens! And he's ready to aid them in conquering the Earth in return for a post as Cultural Ruler. It sounds like a job for the Powerfamily. But Norman and Martin just can't resist the temptation to investigate things for themselves.
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  23. S1 E23 - Bride of Culture Maniac
    February 1, 1998
    Culture Maniac is in love. Little does he know that the object of his affections, Edith Stone is none other than his arch enemy, Lady Fantastic. When Edith is trapped in Culture maniac's lair, perhaps it's time that Norman's seemingly wasteful obsession with a new video game came in useful.
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  24. S1 E24 - The Brat
    February 23, 1998
    Norman and the Powerfamily have their hands full when the seemingly harmless Little Louis comes to stay. As if that wasn't enough, Missy Kaboom is about. She possesses a new computer virus. When unleashed, it will cause world-wide mayhem. Pretty soon, though, it's tough to decide who the biggest menace to society is; Missy Kaboom? or Louis the Brat?
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  25. S1 E25 - Jungle Fever
    February 3, 1998
    The Niceleys have the remedy for dull grey city life; Cover the planet in giant flowers! Norman hasn't got time to be concerned with something that trivial however. The Swollen Thumbs are having an autograph session on the other side of town. Setting out with Jenny and Pamela in tow, his trip across town becomes a safari.
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