

Forget what you learned in history class, and imagine all the nations of the world as guys on an inappropriate reality show. Pledge allegiance to your favorite superpower in Hetalia Axis Powers!
201827 episodes16+
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  1. S1 E1 - Axis Powers: Episode 1

    March 27, 2018
    When the nations gather to solve the world’s problems, U.S.A. presents his solution to global warming - and it’s a pretty stupid one. Then everyone argues for a while, just before a flashback to WWI.
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  2. S1 E2 - Axis Powers: Episode 2

    March 27, 2018
    Germany is prowling the woods of WWI in search of the enemy, when he happens upon a crate of tomatoes. Just as he opens the wooden box, Italy attacks! I’m only kidding. Italy mostly just lays around.
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  3. S1 E3 - Axis Powers: Episode 3

    March 27, 2018
    WWI is over, but Italy won’t quit pestering Germany. In fact, with WWII right around the corner, Italy pledges his undying devotion to his gruff friend, and a delightful Axis of Bromance is born.
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  4. S1 E4 - Axis Powers: Episode 4

    March 27, 2018
    Italy and Germany have a new BFF: Japan. After a “getting acquainted” soak in the hot springs, Japan shows the guys his value as an ally by - actually, he doesn’t really do much. But he seems very polite.
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  5. S1 E5 - Axis Powers: Episode 5

    March 27, 2018
    Germany, Japan, and Italy are on a deserted island, and they’re making the most of such a pleasant environment. Especially Italy, who uses the free time to make white flags and sand sculptures of pasta.
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  6. S1 E6 - Axis Powers: Episode 6

    March 27, 2018
    Japan, Germany, and Italy roast marshmallows on the beach. The three guys may feel like the night belongs to them, but they are far from alone. Actually, marshmallows sound pretty good right now. BRB.
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  7. S1 E7 - Axis Powers: Episode 7

    March 27, 2018
    U.S.A. takes a break from stuffing hamburgers into his face just long enough (barely) to reveal his plans for attacking the Axis. Meanwhile, much to Germany’s delight, Italy’s got an obnoxious brother.
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  8. S1 E8 - Axis Powers: Episode 8

    March 27, 2018
    Since Italy’s kind of a moron, he keeps getting captured by the Allies. But since he’s kind of annoying, he keeps getting sent back to the Axis. And in a shocking turn of events, Japan answers a telephone!
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  9. S1 E9 - Axis Powers: Episode 9

    March 27, 2018
    The Allies get together to split up their responsibilities for the coming war, which really just means: U.S.A. decides he’ll be the hero and everyone else will act as his support. Meanwhile, isn’t France dreamy?
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  10. S1 E10 - Axis Powers: Episode 10

    March 27, 2018
    France is devastated upon learning he wasn’t invited to the second meeting of the Allies, and as he reflects on the - I’m sorry, can you excuse me for a second? It seems chibi Italy is wearing Hungary’s dress.
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  11. S1 E11 - Axis Powers: Episode 11

    March 27, 2018
    The moment of truth arrives in Chibitalia: will Italy accept the adorable Holy Roman Empire’s offer? And while the Allies prepare for WWII, U.K. totally hangs out with a unicorn.
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  12. S1 E12 - Axis Powers: Episode 12

    March 27, 2018
    First, a scene from after the war: France asks U.K. to marry him. It has something to do with the Suez Canal. Next, a scene set before the war shows the Axis prepping to take on U.K.
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  13. S1 E13 - Axis Powers: Episode 13

    March 27, 2018
    U.K. is aggravated after losing to Germany, so the lad uses the dark arts to get his revenge. In a scary room, he chants a summoning spell and unleashes - Russia, the weirdest of all world powers!
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  14. S1 E14 - Axis Powers: Episode 14

    March 27, 2018
    Germany goes to the supermarket to buy sausages. Ordinarily that wouldn’t be exciting, but during this trip he manages to encounter every mildly-offensive stereotype ever associated with every nation ever.
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  15. S1 E15 - Axis Powers: Episode 15

    March 27, 2018
    Italy and Germany enjoy soaking in the rays of the sun, but Japan isn’t thrilled about the prospect of exposing himself. Of course, a quick glimpse at his library proves he’s not totally against nudity.
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  16. S1 E16 - Axis Powers: Episode 16

    March 27, 2018
    A walk down memory lane reveals the moment when China found tiny, young Japan sitting all alone in the woods.
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  17. S1 E17 - Axis Powers: Episode 17

    March 27, 2018
    U.S.A. is ready to clean out his cluttered storage room, but he may not have what it takes to let go of so many memories. Actually, he may need to worry more about letting go of some hamburgers.
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  18. S1 E18 - Axis Powers: Episode 18

    March 27, 2018
    The Allied assault on the Axis begins! And ends! And then it begins again! And ends again! What’s with all the false starts and sudden stops? It’s kind of hard to explain. Just watch the episode.
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  19. S1 E19 - Axis Powers: Episode 19

    March 27, 2018
    The Allied forces gather for a meeting. Here’s a list of the three most interesting things that happen: 1) China shows up late. 2) Canada has a bear in his lap. 3) OMG, AXIS SPY.
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  20. S1 E20 - Axis Powers: Episode 20

    March 27, 2018
    A tale of two weapons: First of all, Italy shouldn’t be messing around with hand grenades. Can we all agree on that? Next, U.S.A. takes a trip down memory lane when he finds an old musket in his storage room.
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  21. S1 E21 - Axis Powers: Episode 21

    March 27, 2018
    Sealand has a lot of heart, but as the teeny-tiniest nation in the world, he’s having a tough time getting the other countries to recognize that he even exists.
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  22. S1 E22 - Axis Powers: Episode 22

    March 27, 2018
    As Holy Roman Empire prepares to leave for war, little Italy gets emotional and gives the departing nation a meaningful gift. Well, really, I’m just assuming it’s meaningful. Because, otherwise, it’s just silly.
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  23. S1 E23 - Axis Powers: Episode 23

    March 27, 2018
    Switzerland questions why his sis, Liechtenstein, cut her hair. Everyone else questions if she’s actually a little boy. Later, Germany is confused when he overhears an awkward situation involving Italy and a bed.
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  24. S1 E24 - Axis Powers: Episode 24

    March 27, 2018
    Tension arises when Switzerland and Liechtenstein encounter Austria at the grocery store. Meanwhile, the Axis boys discover that their deserted island isn’t actually all that deserted.
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  25. S1 E25 - Axis Powers: Episode 25

    March 27, 2018
    A flashback into the past reveals the reasons why U.S.A. might sometimes appear to be lacking in good taste. Also, the long and winding tale of Liechtenstein and Switzerland comes to an end.
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