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Season 1
The Shutterbugs are a crack team of friends that investigate unusual activities in their hometown of Murky Marsh. The trio consists of Flick the firefly, Horace the horsefly, and Opal the Orb-Webber Spider.
201626 episodesTV-Y
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  1. S1 E1 - Bugathlon / Wind Blows

    September 5, 2016
    Flick has to compete against his uber athletic nemesis, Blink, in the Marsh's equivalent of the Olympics. / An unusual gust of wind threatens the safety of the annual Bug Bounce Fair.
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  2. S1 E2 - Making A Stink / The Harvey Flyer

    September 5, 2016
    The Shutterbugs are helping Chef Marva Millipede preview her latest dish, but there’s a horrible smell coming from her restaurant! / Harvey’s entered the annual Balsa Blastoff Airplane contest, but he broke his plane's wings!
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  3. S1 E3 - Lily Pad Racers / Raisin Trouble

    September 5, 2016
    The Shutterbugs enter a race around Murky Marsh’s pond, but encounter more obstacles than expected. / Murky Marsh’s Great Grape Festival is about to start, but the grapes have been replaced with shriveled up raisins!
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  4. S1 E4 - Sticking Around / Jittery Bug

    September 5, 2016
    The Shutterbugs are sent to greet and get the scoop on the new bug in town, Sally Stickbug. / Prof Eunice needs the Shutterbugs help. Not only has she lost her speech for the opening of the fossil exhibit ...she's lost the exhibit!
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  5. S1 E5 - When The Moon Hits Your Eye / Don't Hat It Till You Try It

    September 5, 2016
    The moon has risen bright orange in the sky, and rumors begin to fly that it has been replaced by a giant pizza! / Boris the Barber declares an odd new tradition - Ridiculously Large Hat Month!
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  6. S1 E6 - Waterlogged / Best Bugs Forever

    September 5, 2016
    Panic sets in when the Shutterbugs discover the town’s dam has sprung a leak, threatening to flood Murky Marsh! / The Shutterbugs are sent to crack a mysterious story; Gordon's best friend, Carl the Caterpillar, has gone missing!
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  7. S1 E7 - Zombie Bug / Web Fest

    September 5, 2016
    The Shutterbugs are sent to report on an odd story; Mayor Carla is wandering around talk, walking and talking like a zombie! / During a web-art festival, Flick can’t turn off his glow ...and he's alarming all the local spiders!
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  8. S1 E8 - Bee Minus / Bee Yourself

    September 5, 2016
    The Shutterbugs are shocked to discover the daily paper hasn't been delivered, and worse yet, the paper boy (Skeeter) is nowhere to be found! / Boris' son Bermie is afraid he'll never live up to his dad's expectations.
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  9. S1 E9 - Mel Is Swell / Band Aid

    September 5, 2016
    Harvey’s excited to meet legendary athlete, Maniac Mel, but doesn’t know how to act around her. / When Harvey get's injured before the annual battle of the bands, he's forced to find someone to replace him on the drums.
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  10. S1 E10 - Roam Alone / Barking Orders

    September 5, 2016
    Flick can't find a single bug in town, including Opal and Harvey! / Opal is forced to overcome one of her biggest fears - barking beetles!
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  11. S1 E11 - Thunder Blunder / Who Stole The Cookie?

    September 5, 2016
    A bad thunderstorm is causing problems with ships sailing the Marsh's pond. / Floyd the Fly's having cookies stolen from his home, and the Shutterbugs are sent to crack the story.
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  12. S1 E12 - Super Bro / The Pixies of Murky Marsh

    September 5, 2016
    The Shutterbugs are sent to investigate when a masked super hero is rumoured to be causing trouble around town. / A silly rumor gets out of control when mysterious lights over the Marsh are believed to be pixies that grant special wishes if you catch them.
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  13. S1 E13 - Now You See It, Now You Donut / Captain Horatio

    September 5, 2016
    A mysterious magician has arrived in town, and is making all the bugs in Murky Marsh disappear! / Harvey's Uncle Horatio can't get his famed blimp, The Artichoke, to fly!
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  14. S1 E14 - Bed Bugs / What Does The Box Say

    September 5, 2016
    Rockstar Billy Bedbug is convinced his bed's been bugged when he overhears someone singing his latest, top secret song! / A mysterious box floats into the Marsh's pond, causing the Shutterbugs to speculate what's inside?
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  15. S1 E15 - I Am Sparkletush / Big Time Trippin

    September 5, 2016
    A mysterious painter is leaving GIANT portraits of art around town, and no one seems to know who's doing it. / Skeeter, upset about his height, tries to find crazy ways to compensate for shortcomings.
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  16. S1 E16 - Drain Pain / Murky Marsh Has Talent

    September 5, 2016
    Odd noises are coming from the Marsh's drains, and the Shutterbugs are sent underground to investigate. / Flick is stressed when he learns his has to compete against two of his favourite bugs - Harvey and Opal!
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  17. S1 E17 - Bugfoot / The Day Time Stood Still

    September 5, 2016
    When a furry creature is spotted in the Marsh, the Shutterbugs worry it's the legendary Bugfoot prowling around town! / When the Marsh’s town clock stops at noon, bugs begin to wonder and worry that time has frozen!
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  18. S1 E18 - Light 'Em Up / The Fly

    September 5, 2016
    The Shutterbugs try to help a young firefly who's lost his ability to shine. / The Shutterbugs have a strange story to crack; not only has Floyd the Fly forgotten who he is, he's forgotten how to fly!
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  19. S1 E19 - The House That Buzzed Off / A Day At The Zoo

    September 5, 2016
    Floyd the Fly's not only lost his beloved rock collection, he's lost where he stores them - his home! / Wild bugs are escaping from the Marsh's Zoo, and the Shutterbugs are sent to find out why.
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  20. S1 E20 - Mooned Too Soon / Too Tall Mall

    September 5, 2016
    At Space Camp, the friends are alarmed when they fear Harvey's been left on the moon! / The town is on high alert - bugs are being webbed up everywhere, and Opal's nowhere to be found.
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  21. S1 E21 - Going Buggy / Oh, Beehive

    September 5, 2016
    Harvey tries out for the Marsh's biggest sporting event - Slimeball! / When Boris the Bee loses his memory before making a big announcement, the Shutterbugs must use all of their senses to help him get it back.
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  22. S1 E22 - Big Bug Blackout / Alien Capture Squad

    September 5, 2016
    Flick and his glowing tail are bit under the weather...leaving the Shutterbugs ‘in the dark’ temporarily. / Strange lights are coming from the abandoned observatory, leaving Harvey to wonder if it's aliens!
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  23. S1 E23 - Where Have You Bean? / Tale of Two Harvey's

    September 5, 2016
    Harvey's Uncle Horatio is smashing apart the town, and no one knows why! / Harvey get's his nose put out of joint when an identical clown-bug, Havyer, befriends Flick and Opal.
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  24. S1 E24 - Dayweaver / The Sky Is Actually Falling

    September 5, 2016
    Someone's been webbing up bugs during the day, and the Shutterbugs are sent to find out who! / The Marsh is alarmed when shooting objects are spotted in the night sky - is the sky falling?
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  25. S1 E25 - Scarab Rock n' Roll / Dino In Our Mists!

    September 5, 2016
    A priceless jewel has gone missing on it's way to the Museum, and the Shutterbugs are called in to crack the story. / The Shutterbugs fear a dinosaur is lurking around Marsh!
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Cory Morrison


Elana DunkelmanLyon SmithTerry McGurrin


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