The Crossroads of Angel Sanz Briz

The true story of Angel Sanz Briz, the World War II Spanish diplomat known as the Angel of Budapest. Made with painstaking attention to historical detail, this never-before-told story documents how Sanz Briz used his diplomatic powers to rescue Jewish men, women and children who were destined for the death camp at Auschwitz-Birkenau, ultimately saving more than 5000 souls from the gas chambers.
IMDb 8.21 h 31 min201713+
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Audio languages

Español (España)


English [CC]中文(简体) [CC]


José Alejandro González


José Alejandro GonzálezMarie Adler


Jaime VándorDiego CarcedoJuan Carlos Sanz BrizErzsébet DobbsIván HarsányiDr. Szabolcs Szita


Adler & Associates Entertainment
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