Private Valentine: Blonde & Dangerous

Megan Valentine was America's sweetheart. But her latest movie is a bomb, and a crooked accountant has left her broke. So she's doing what anyone else would do - joining the Army. Now, there's no star treatment, no stunt doubles and no second takes. But with the help of the other recruits, she'll find the motivation she needs to be all she can be and make it through basic training with style.
IMDb 4,31 h 38 min2009PG-13
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Steve Miner


Boaz DavidsonDanny DimbortRandall Emmett


Jessica SimpsonVivica A. FoxSteve GuttenbergOlesya RulinCheri OteriAimee GarciaKeiko Agena


Nu Image/Millennium Films;Benderspink;Gerber Pictures;Di Novi Pictures;Papa Joe Film & Television;Emmett/Furla Films;DiNovi Pictures
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