
One Piece

Monkey. D. Luffy refuses to let anyone or anything stand in the way of his quest to become the king of all pirates. With a course charted for the treacherous waters of the Grand Line and beyond, this is one captain who'll never give up until he's claimed the greatest treasure on Earth: the Legendary One Piece!
202434 episodes13+
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  1. S15 E1089 - Entering a New Chapter! Luffy and Sabo's Paths!

    January 6, 2024
    Sabo, the Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army, contacts Koala and everyone in Kamabakka Queendom. He explains to them about the things that he is accused of, but someone who was eavesdropping on the call takes a stunning action.
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  2. S15 E1090 - A New Island! Future Island Egghead

    January 13, 2024
    Luffy and Chopper fall into the rough cold sea along with the mysterious girl. Jimbei tries to help them but another attack comes from the unknown creature. Meanwhile, the Sunny is hit by torpedoes and the rest of the Straw Hats are thrown into the sea, too.
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  3. S15 E1091 - Brimming with the Future! An Adventure on the Island of Science!

    January 20, 2024
    A young girl who came out of the big robot names herself Dr. Vegapunk and it surprises Franky and the rest of the Straw Hats. Meanwhile, Luffy’s group gets to the surface of the island where futuristic buildings stand and unknown giant creatures wander about.
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  4. S15 E1092 - Bonney's Lamentation! Darkness Lurking on the Future Island

    January 27, 2024
    While Luffy and the others are enjoying the futuristic machines of Egghead, someone who resembles Bartholomew Kuma comes after them. When Luffy tries to fight back, Bonney stops him and reveals her shocking relationship with Kuma.
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  5. S15 E1093 - The Winner Takes All! Law vs. Blackbeard!

    February 10, 2024
    The Blackbeard Pirates ambushed the Heart Pirates led by Law. The Blackbeard Pirates’ top officers use a variety of formidable Devil Fruit powers and keep pushing the Heart Pirates in order to obtain the copies of the Road Ponegliffs.
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  6. S15 E1094 - The Mystery Deepens! Egghead Labophase

    February 17, 2024
    The Straw Hats without Luffy, Chopper, and Jimbei are taken to the laboratory on the clouds far above the ground by Lilith. They get excited about the things they've never seen before. However, inside the laboratory, a new threat is waiting for them.
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  7. S15 E1095 - The Brain of a Genius - Six Vegapunks!

    February 24, 2024
    Nami and the others are attacked by a Pacifista who resembles Jimbei and while they’re in battle, some of Vegapunk’s Satellites look on with excitement. Meanwhile, Luffy and the others find something extraordinary at the scrap heap.
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  8. S15 E1096 - A Forbidden Piece of History! A Theory Concerning a Kingdom

    March 2, 2024
    Vegapunk Shaka shares with Robin and the others his theory about an ancient kingdom and the 100-Year Void. He even says that he visited Ohara after its destruction. Meanwhile, Luffy and Chopper try to activate the giant robot and something surprising happens.
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  9. S15 E1097 - The Will of Ohara! The Inherited Research

    March 15, 2024
    Shaka reveals the secret behind the foundation of the Revolutionary Army and how the relationship between Vegapunk and Dragon affected it. Meanwhile, Vegapunk explains to Luffy and the others about his special power and how his clones work.
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  10. S15 E1098 - The Eccentric Dream of a Genius!

    March 22, 2024
    Vegapunk reveals the shocking history of the ancient giant robot and asks Luffy to take him off Egghead. Rob Lucci and his fellow Cipher Pol agents arrive at the island and ask for permission to enter the port.
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  11. S15 E1099 - Preparations for Interception! Rob Lucci Strikes!

    March 29, 2024
    CP-0 led by Rob Lucci makes a forced landing at Egghead and people on the Fabriophase are plunged into confusion while Shaka and the others prepare to fight back on the Labophase. The enraged Atlas stands up to defend the peace of the island.
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  12. S15 E1100 - Powers on a Different Level! Luffy vs. Lucci!

    April 5, 2024
    Luffy transforms into the Warrior of Liberation as Rob Lucci also shows his awakened Devil Fruit form. As the two clash, Vegapunk reveals the shocking truth of the Gum-Gum Fruit and his eye-opening theory on Devil Fruits.
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  13. S15 E1101 - The Strongest Form of Humanity! The Seraphim's Powers!

    April 19, 2024
    Vegapunk describes how he managed to grant the Seraphim Devil Fruit powers, which surprises Franky and the others. Meanwhile, Luffy is still facing Lucci in his savage, awakened form, but the rocket to the Labophase is about to leave.
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  14. S15 E1102 - Sinister Schemes! The Operation to Escape Egghead

    April 26, 2024
    Vegapunk asks the Straw Hats to take him on board their ship which makes Franky and Usopp happy but annoys Nami. Lucci orders his troops to block off all Vegapunk’s escape routes and looks to invade the heavily-secured Labophase.
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  15. S15 E1103 - Turn Back My Father! Bonney's Futile Wish!

    May 3, 2024
    CP-0 enters the Labophase and starts attacking the Thousand Sunny as soon as they find it. Luffy reunites with Nami and the others but finds out that Vegapunk is missing. Meanwhile, Bonney is pressing Vegapunk to change back her father Kuma.
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  16. S15 E1104 - A Desperate Situation! The Seraphim's All-out Attack!

    May 10, 2024
    The Seraphim come following CP-0 to the Labophase, pitting Zoro and Brook against the seven of them. Sanji, Franky, Edison, and Lilith leave the lab to fight them, but the Seraphim launch a full-scale attack on the lab.
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  17. S15 E1105 - A Beautiful Act of Treason! The Spy, Stussy!

    May 17, 2024
    Stussy suddenly knocked out Lucci to the Straw Hats’ surprise, and when Shaka reveals her true identity, they’re stunned again. Meanwhile, a major incident occurs on an island called Sphinx where Whitebeard came from.
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  18. S15 E1106 - Trouble Occurs! Seek Dr. Vegapunk!

    May 24, 2024
    CP-0 takes control of the Fabriophase but gets attacked by an unknown force. Meanwhile, in the Labophase, the Straw Hats and Dr. Vegapunk’s Satellites find out that Vegapunk has disappeared and begin searching for him.
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  19. S15 E1107 - A Shudder! The Evil Hand Creeping Up on the Laboratory

    May 31, 2024
    Bonney witnesses her father Bartholomew Kuma’s painful memories. Meanwhile at the lab, Shaka notices that their communications and surveillance cameras are being cut off by somebody.
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  20. S15 E1108 - Incomprehensible! The Seraphim's Rebellion!

    June 7, 2024
    The Seraphim suddenly start attacking the Straw Hats and the Vegapunk Satellites. They are not stopping even when the Satellites order them to. When Luffy and Zoro are cornered, Lucci and Kaku wake up and make them a surprising offer.
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  21. S15 E1109 - A Tough Decision! An Unusual United Front!

    June 21, 2024
    Lucci and Kaku from CP-0, who came to Egghead with a mission to eliminate the seven Vegapunks, ask Luffy and Zoro to uncuff them so they can fight alongside them against the Seraphim, but Luffy and Zoro are reluctant to do so.
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  22. S15 E1110 - Survive! Deadly Combat with the Strongest Form of Humanity!

    June 28, 2024
    The Straw Hats and CP-0 relentlessly attack the Seraphim, but the Seraphim keep getting back up. Then, Zoro notices that the Seraphim remind him of someone who he fought before. Meanwhile, Shaka goes to check one place where he thinks Vegapunk Stella might be.
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  23. S15 E1111 - The Second Ohara! The Mastermind's Ambition!

    July 5, 2024
    Stussy and Sentomaru discuss how big the threat that closes in on Egghead is as Luffy and theothers keep fighting the uncontrollable Seraphim. Meanwhile, in an underground lab, someoneapproaches Vegapunk, who is being held captive.
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  24. S15 E1112 - Clash! Shanks vs. Eustass Kid

    July 12, 2024
    Kid gives his crew a pep talk before the battle with Shanks. And Shanks also prepares for the battle but learns how his own subordinates do as they like to protect their beloved boss. Finally, Kid has his Damned Punk ready to shoot.
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  25. S15 E1113 - Run, Koby! A Desperate Escape Strategy!

    July 26, 2024
    Held at the Pirate Island of Beehive, Koby gets a chance to be free but decides to become a decoy to liberate slaves on the island. Pirates from all over the island come after him because of the big bounty on his head.
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Special 17 - "One Piece - S01"

Special 17 - "One Piece - S01"

Special 17 - "One Piece - S01"
Special 17 - "One Piece - S01"
Special 17 - "One Piece - S01"
Unwavering Justice! The Navy's Proud Log!

Unwavering Justice! The Navy's Proud Log!

Nami, Usopp, and Jinbe review the Navy. They introduce everything about the Navy’s prominent officers and soldiers from their special abilities to their conflicts, friendships, and memorable moments.
Nami, Usopp, and Jinbe review the Navy. They introduce everything about the Navy’s prominent officers and soldiers from their special abilities to their conflicts, friendships, and memorable moments.
Nami, Usopp, and Jinbe review the Navy. They introduce everything about the Navy’s prominent officers and soldiers from their special abilities to their conflicts, friendships, and memorable moments.


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