Jack N Jill

Young scientist Kesh along with his invention Kuttaps, a humanoid robot sets out to complete his dad’s invention, Jack and Jill. With the help of his friends, he sets up a lab in a forest and finds a subject Parvathy to test on. But, as the test progress, Parvathy starts landing them in deeper troubles and the success of the invention is at risk.
IMDb 1,52 h 4 min202216+
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Santosh Sivan


Gokulam GopalanSantosh SivanPrashanth Mohan Das


Manju WarrierKalidas JayaramSoubin ShahirBasil JosephNedumudi VenuAju VargheseShaylee KishenEsther AnilIndransGokul AnandSethulakshmiSunil Samuel


Sree Gokulam Movies, Santosh Sivan Productions, Sewas Films
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