Some Came Running

Academy Award winners Frank Sinatra and Shirley Maclaine star in this taut drama of a World War II veteran whose return to his Indiana hometown catalyzes change among people whose failures and frustrations have built up the point of explosion in Some Came Running. Dave Hirsh (Sinatra--From Here to Eternity) has faced the horror of war and endured the disillusionment of trying to make a living a...
IMDb 7.22 h 10 min195813+
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Vincente Minnelli


Sol C. Siegel


Frank SinatraDean MartinShirley MacLaineMartha HyerArthur KennedyNancy GatesLeora DanaBetty Lou KeimLarry GatesSteven PeckConnie GilchristNed Wever


Warner Bros.
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