Mountain Men

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  1. T13 E1 - Breaking New Ground

    2 de octubre de 2024
    1 h 3 min
    Marty installs floats on his bush plane and flies to a remote lake to hunt moose. Lauro and Neil harvest driftwood and build a log river raft from scratch.
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  2. T13 E2 - Boom or Bust

    9 de octubre de 2024
    1 h 3 min
    Marty desperately searches for a bull moose that vanished in thick brush. Mike hustles to pack out the meat from a bull elk before it can be scavenged by brown bears.
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  3. T13 E3 - The North Slope

    16 de octubre de 2024
    1 h 3 min
    Lauro travels north of the Arctic Circle with his team of sled dogs to hunt caribou. Daniel rebuilds an old floating cabin using driftwood logs and the power of tides.
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  4. T13 E4 - Whiteout

    23 de octubre de 2024
    1 h 3 min
    Lauro hunts caribou in white out conditions on Alaska's North Slope; Bret and Ivy, buried under heavy snowfall, push to set their 230-mile trapline.
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  5. T13 E5 - Apex Predator

    30 de octubre de 2024
    1 h 3 min
    Marty battles the brutal Alaskan winter while running his wildfire ravaged trapline in the Far North; Mike reclaims an abandoned set of solar panels to power his Kodiak Island homestead; Jake discovers a gruesome lion kill on the mountain.
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  6. T13 E6 - Chasing the Ghost

    6 de noviembre de 2024
    1 h 3 min
    Lauro kicks Iditarod training into high gear with a 300-mile run on the Denali Highway. Bret and Ivy go from checking traps to hunting moose, and take the opportunity to bring down a large bull.
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  7. T13 E7 - Depth Charge

    14 de noviembre de 2024
    1 h 3 min
    Mike braves icy waters to catch snow crabs living on the seafloor hundreds of feet below the surface. Bret and Ivy travel uncharted terrain to create a new trail, and build a log bridge to cross a deep creek.
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  8. T13 E8 - Code Red

    20 de noviembre de 2024
    1 h 3 min
    Marty withstands a brutal cold snap to harvest the last of his furs and fly home to his family. Mike carves a narrow road out of a steep ridge near his property to gain access to prime hunting grounds.
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  9. T13 E9 - Running Down A Dream

    4 de diciembre de 2024
    1 h 2 min
    Lauro begins the 1,000-mile Iditarod with his sixteen-dog team, pitted against harsh conditions and rugged terrain in one of the toughest races on earth. Bret and Ivy ascend into the Alaska Range on a high altitude grizzly bear hunt.
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  10. T13 E10 - Bear Down

    11 de diciembre de 2024
    1 h 3 min
    Lauro continues his quest to complete the Iditarod through the frozen interior of Alaska. Bret and Ivy pursue a bear into dangerously steep terrain. Daniel sets traps for wolves to protect the fragile deer population in the Southeast.
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  11. T13 E11 - Endurance

    18 de diciembre de 2024
    1 h 2 min
    Lauro confronts -40 weather, a broken sled, and exhausted dogs on the Iditarod Trail while running down the frozen Yukon River. Bret and Ivy make an impressive haul of beaver to finish their trapping season.
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  12. T13 E12 - The Finish Line

    25 de diciembre de 2024
    1 h 3 min
    Lauro nears the end of the Iditarod, crossing 260 miles of ice along the Bering Sea coast to reach the finish line in Nome; Marty and his friend Dave haul supplies for a cabin into the backcountry, risking disaster on an unstable frozen river.
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