Revolutions: Conspiracy Of The Masses

Season 1
It is important to uncover the sometimes hidden reasons that have motivated people behind revolutions. It is vital to bring light to the non-confessed causes, those that usually stay behind the scenes, from those who pursue the revolution and from those who are against it. By clarifying the hidden agendas and revealing the reasoning of both sides, viewers can judge history on their own.
20187 episodes13+
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  1. S1 E1 - Argentina: The Pots & Pans Revolution
    January 1, 2018
    December 2001. A disturbing silence pervades Buenos Aires. The day before, frustrated Argentineans looted supermarkets. The government immediately proclaimed a state of emergency. The situation approaches anarchy for twelve days, in which time five presidents will succeed one another. Learn about the many events that led up to chaos.
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  2. S1 E2 - Vietnam War: A Contagious Revolution
    January 1, 2018
    This documentary is a compelling journey in time. Powerful footage from sources East and West, on site testimonies of Vietnamese veterans, adding a more personal perspective to the journey, and highly respected historians are interlaced to shed a new light on the "Vietnamese War" and to form a comprehensive overview of the recent history of Vietnam.
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  3. S1 E3 - Georgia: The Rose Revolution
    January 1, 2018
    October 2003, Georgia: in this post-soviet Republic weakened by civil war and the succession of several territories in the early 1990's, a democratic opposition movement protests the outcome of the election, claiming fraud. The establishment is swept away by a non-violent revolution in a mere few weeks, providing inspiration for other former soviet republics, like Ukraine, seeking democracy.
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  4. S1 E4 - Paraguay: The Revolution Was In The Ballot Box
    January 1, 2018
    On April 20th, 2008, Fernando Lugo, the "suspended"bishop, is elected president of the Republic of Paraguay. After sixty years of absolute power, the Colorado party is compelled to accept the changeover of political power. You'll discover the scarcely known country nestled deep in the heart of theSouth America, its unique social structure, its painful past and its surprising identity.
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  5. S1 E5 - Madagascar: Seven Months of Chaos
    January 1, 2018
    Dec.16, 2001: Madagascar, one of the world's poorest countries falls into chaos. The roots of this crisis is a disputed election.For seven months, Madagascar is asphyxiated by turmoil: barricades are set up, tortures take place and the crisis escalates into a true civil war. The former President flees the country, leaving behind an unimaginable humanitarian, political and economic catastrophe.
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  6. S1 E6 - Burkina Faso: A Rectified Revolution
    January 1, 2018
    In a country that had seen multiple coups, Captain Sankara seizes power in the former French colony of Upper Voltain August 1983. His goal, end the neocolonial hold of France on the county and opportunity and education for the masses. Dissidences appear, and four years after the beginning of the August Revolution, he is assassinated and replaced by a dictator. Stability ensues, at a high price.
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  7. S1 E7 - Burkina Faso: A Barefoot Revolution
    January 1, 2018
    October 2014, Burkina Faso's capital is the center of massive demonstrations against the country's President, Blaise Compaoré, and his attempt to change the constitution and stay in power. The protest turns into a full revolution, lasting six days and nights and ending with his departure after a dictatorship of 27 years.
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