Age of Big Cats
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S1 E1 - Origins
September 18, 201852minThe Pleistocene Era, when packs of saber-tooths ruled. The arrival of the new cats; early snow leopards, cheetahs, and jaguars, marked a turning point in the evolutionary track. Their emergence as their innovative hunting techniques and physical advantages enable them to dominate their habitats.Subscribe for $2.99/month for 3 month(s) and $4.99/month thereafterS1 E2 - World Domination
September 18, 201851minThe era of the sabretooth and many other Pleistocene creatures comes to an end. The biggest big cats ever, the lion and the tiger, become the kings of their respective habitats - but they had to fight for their place. To survive, these great cats target larger and more challenging prey.Subscribe for $2.99/month for 3 month(s) and $4.99/month thereafterS1 E3 - Survivors
September 18, 201852minWhat changes has the Earth has undergone through the eyes of the puma and leopard? From the almost complete disappearance of American wildlife to the rise of man and the industrialized and urban areas of the modern 21st century. Big cats face numerous threats to their survival.Subscribe for $2.99/month for 3 month(s) and $4.99/month thereafter
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