
My Cat From Hell

Jackson Galaxy brings his unique understanding and compassion to desperate families on the verge of giving up their furry companions.
IMDb 7.7201812 episodes7+
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  1. S10 E1 - Posey the Terror

    August 31, 2018
    Jackson experiences the vicious claws of a troubled cat who's terrorizing a family about to bring home a newborn baby. He is also introduced to Skinny, Cole and Marmalade, three cats who are succeeding at their own unique journey.
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  2. S10 E2 - Pee Battle

    August 31, 2018
    Jackson deals with a mother-daughter duo whose lovable cats are having a torrential peeing match that's destroying their furniture and their relationship. The Cat Daddy connects with Cat From Heaven, Ziggy, who has CPR skills.
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  3. S10 E3 - Ferocious Foster

    September 7, 2018
    Jackson is introduced to a cat named Henery, who has been forced to live outside due to his need to mark his territory. Meanwhile, a desperate foster guardian turns to Jackson as her only hope to save a cat from being euthanized.
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  4. S10 E4 - Fluffy's Last Stand

    September 7, 2018
    A mother and daughter are being torn apart by their cat Missy, who seems determined to kill their other cat Fluffy. Meanwhile, a tortie named Candy beats up a 9-year-old because she isn't so sweet.
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  5. S10 E5 - Lucifer the Cat

    September 14, 2018
    Jackson travels to New Jersey to help a single mom whose cat, Pickles, terrorizes her kids. The Cat Daddy also works with Lucifer, a feline whose devilish food obsession may cost him his life.
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  6. S10 E6 - Meow Mates

    September 14, 2018
    Jackson guides a defeated couple and their cat who has been locked away for over a year. He visits a "Cat-Bassador," who works with his guardian to help special-needs cats find forever homes. And Jackson visits an incredible prison program.
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  7. S10 E7 - My Therapy Cat Needs Therapy

    September 21, 2018
    Jackson travels to Delaware to help a veteran control his therapy cat Salem's aggressive behavior. Jackson also deals with Bartholomew, a cat who is tearing up his owners' marriage by destroying their furniture.
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  8. S10 E8 - Baby the Bully

    September 21, 2018
    Jackson is introduced to Baby, who bullies her feline friends and holds them hostage. He also comes to the aid of an interior designer's couch-destroying cats, one of which is shedding pounds on a hunger strike.
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  9. S10 E9 - Guilt Stricken Guardian

    September 28, 2018
    Jackson needs to find a way to help a distressed cat named Dale, whose uncontrollable peeing is driving a wedge between his guardians. It proves nearly impossible for Jackson to get a guilt-stricken guardian to stop feeding her diabetic cat Lasagna.
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  10. S10 E10 - My Pup From Hell

    October 5, 2018
    Jackson is introduced to a frisky Bengal cat struggling to co-exist with her new canine companion. He is then tasked with taming the energy of a couple's energetic cat, Stella.
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  11. S10 E11 - Sister Smackdown

    October 12, 2018
    Jackson helps a cat named Charlee rebuild the confidence that her sister cat, Frankie, has beaten out of her. Then, he must crack the case of a pee-soaked apartment to help a family with eight cats that wants to adopt a child.
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  12. S10 E12 - Philly's Forgotten Cats

    October 19, 2018
    Jackson faces one of his greatest challenges when an old friend enlists his help to put on a mass trapping event to save feral cats in Philadelphia. He rallies volunteers to help, but a storm could threaten their efforts.
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Graham Wiggins


Matthew C. AllynBrant PinvidicBill O'DonnellShana KempChandrea MillerPat DempseyGraham WigginsEva MancilTodd A. Nelson


Jackson Galaxy


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