Marvel's Avengers: Infinity War

OSCAR® nominee
The Avengers and their allies must risk their lives to stop Thanos, an intergalactic tyrant in search of the Gems of Infinity.
IMDb 8.42 h 23 min2018X-RayHDRUHDPG-13
AdventureScience FictionAmbitiousCerebral
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Anthony RussoJoe Russo


Kevin Feige


Robert Downey Jr.Mark RuffaloChris HemsworthPom KlementieffBenedict WongPeter DinklageDanai GuriraIdris ElbaSebastian StanAnthony MackieChris HemsworthRobert Downey jrElizabeth OlsenPaul BettanyTom HiddlestonKaren GillanZoe SaldanaChadwick BosemanTom HollandBenedict CumberbatchDon CheadleScarlett JohanssonVin DieselGwyneth PaltrowBenicio Del toroJosh BrolinChris PrattLetitia WrightCarrie CoonStan LeeWinston Duke


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