Delinquent Hamsters
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S1 E1 - Delinquent Hamsters Subtitled
March 16, 20132minRegent’s sunflower seeds have gone missing. Mohawk’s cheeks are suspiciously large. You do the math.Free trial of HIDIVES1 E2 - Turf War Subtitled
April 28, 20132minMohawk has claimed the sleeping hut as his own, but Regent ain’t gonna take that lying down… because he wants to lie down in that hut, dammit!Free trial of HIDIVES1 E3 - Tall Tales Subtitled
June 26, 20133minIt’s time to decide, once and for all, who’s the most hardcore delinquent around.Free trial of HIDIVES1 E4 - Lady Friend! Subtitled
September 1, 20133minMohawk and Regent have a way with the ~ladies~.Free trial of HIDIVES1 E5 - Introducing Kohai Subtitled
July 17, 20143minThere’s a new hamster in town. He’s got a great perm, but it takes more than a punky haircut to be a delinquent. Regent and Mohawk gotta take this ‘kohai’ under their wing…Free trial of HIDIVES1 E6 - Delinquent Hamsters Kablam! Subtitled
July 31, 20143minHistory repeats itself… only this time Kohai is along for the sunflower-seed-covered ride.Free trial of HIDIVES1 E7 - Dusty Bro Subtitled
September 29, 20143minWhat the hell is that pink thing??Free trial of HIDIVES1 E8 - Showdown Subtitled
December 2, 20143minThe hamsters shove sunflower seeds into their mouths to see who’s most delinquent. Yes, that makes perfect sense. SHUT UP.Free trial of HIDIVES1 E9 - A Battle for Freedom Subtitled
January 20, 20153minPlaytime’s over, and the delinquent hamsters mean business — because they want more freakin’ playtime!Free trial of HIDIVES1 E10 - A Good Night's Sleep Subtitled
February 25, 20153minThe delinquents’ sleeping arrangements get a major upgrade. Chaos ensues. I mean, what’d you expect? For the hamsters to just get along or whatever? HA HA HA… no.Free trial of HIDIVES1 E11 - Youthful Indiscretion Subtitled
March 23, 20154minKohai climbs to new heights. And then he can’t figure out how to get down again. WHOOPS.Free trial of HIDIVES1 E12 - Impact Subtitled
April 29, 20152minHamsters are definitely the most impressive animals around, right? Right?? … RIGHT?!?!!Free trial of HIDIVES1 E13 - The Cushion Subtitled
May 5, 20153minDo not underestimate the powers of the cushion. Not even delinquents are immune to its sorcery!Free trial of HIDIVES1 E14 - The Uninvited Guest Subtitled
July 1, 20153minGET OFF OUR TURF YOU STUPID PIGEON.Free trial of HIDIVES1 E15 - The New Toy Subtitled
July 15, 20153minRegent has a …special… way of claiming a carboard tube as his own. Ewwwwwww.Free trial of HIDIVES1 E16 - Youthful Indiscretion 2 Subtitled
August 7, 20153minKohai plummets to new depths. And then he can’t figure out how to climb out again. How the hell does he keep getting himself into these situations??!Free trial of HIDIVES1 E17 - Individuality Subtitled
August 22, 20153minKiyomasa comes calling. He needs advice from the delinquents. It goes about as well as you’d expect from a show like this.Free trial of HIDIVES1 E18 - Mystery Object X Subtitled
September 23, 20153minWhat the heck is that wheel thing??Free trial of HIDIVES1 E19 - The Brown Stadium Subtitled
October 10, 20153minThe delinquents acquire a clubhouse. Chaos ensues. What, you’re surprised? You really need to stop expecting better of these hamsters, dude.Free trial of HIDIVES1 E20 - The Cherry Incident Subtitled
November 7, 20153minThe delinquents try a new food. They… like it? Maybe? It’s hard to tell, honestly.Free trial of HIDIVES1 E21 - Operation Baked Potato Subtitled
November 23, 20153minOperation Sweet Potato is underway, and (predictably) Kohai gets the short end of the stick… er, potato? Spit-covered tissue bridge? Maybe? Something like that.Free trial of HIDIVES1 E22 - Battle at the Window Subtitled
December 12, 20153minDIDN’T WE SCARE YOU OFF LAST TIME??? UGH! GO THE HECK AWAY, YOU STUPID PIGEON!!!Free trial of HIDIVES1 E23 - Butt Kicking - Winter Subtitled
December 18, 20153minTemperature control in the sleeping hut is Serious Business for delinquents.Free trial of HIDIVES1 E24 - The Brown Stadium 2 Subtitled
December 26, 20153minThe delinquents find another clubhouse. We’ll give you three guesses as to how that goes, and the first two don’t count.Free trial of HIDIVES1 E25 - The Call of the Cushion Subtitled
January 9, 20163minMan, that cushion really messes up the delinquents’ image, doesn’t it? But it’s just so soooooft…Free trial of HIDIVE