Cry Babies Magic Tears

Discover the world of Cry Babies Magic Tears. Join these cute little babies with their big personalities and explore this imaginative world where tears can sometimes make magical things happen! Only tears triggered by emotions of love or happiness carry special powers. A delightful series showing the importance of friendship and teamwork. Each episode offers an exciting new adventure!
201542 episodesALL
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  1. S2 E1 - Babies talent
    April 5, 2019
    All of the Cry Babies Magic Tears have a special talent! They will show us at the first annual competition presented by Lori with a pretty funny set of judges! ¿Who will have the most impressive talent? ¿What will they do?
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  2. S2 E2 - The super sprinkling can
    April 18, 2019
    The sun rises on Magical Tears and Katie is very nervous because the Super sprinkling can 3000 is about to arrive. Lady has to look after it but can't touch it while the other Cry Babies try to find out how it works. Will Lady be able to resist touching it? What will happen to the watering can?
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  3. S2 E3 - The magic wand
    May 3, 2019
    Lala and Lisa find a trunk by chance which has a book inside which says "Fantasy World" and a wand that turns out to be magical! What will Lala do with her and the cry babies? Maybe, there a fantasy world beyond?
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  4. S2 E4 - The hidden constellation Part 1
    May 17, 2019
    Wandy loves astronomy: the stars, the planets ... and today is looking for one of the constellations has yet to see, but Wandy can not find it. Missie will do everything possible so that Wandy can fulfill her dream, but just when she is about to fulfill it, Lady and Lena do something that will complicate everything. What an adventure awaits you! What will happen?
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  5. S2 E5 - The hidden constellation Part 2
    May 31, 2019
    Wandy loves astronomy: the stars, the planets ... and today is looking for one of the constellations has yet to see, but Wandy can not find it. Missie will do everything possible so that Wandy can fulfill her dream, but just when she is about to fulfill it, Lady and Lena do something that will complicate everything. What an adventure awaits you! What will happen?
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  6. S2 E6 - The perfect bubble
    June 21, 2019
    A new day rises in the valley of Magic Tears and the Cry Babies want to make the perfect bubble. Will they be able to make the perfect bubble with the help of Missie's bubbleology lessons and the Super Bubbler 3001? If you're a fan of the series, do not miss this episode of the second season of Cry Babies!
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  7. S2 E7 - Discovering a new world
    August 1, 2019
    Dotty and Gigi are playing frisbee when Feli appears suddenly: a cry baby from Fantasy World! Will Cry Babies Magic Tears get to access the portal that will take them to Fantasy Mountain? Meet their new friends in this all new episode of Cry Babies Magic Tears Season 2.
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  8. S2 E8 - A day without powers
    August 1, 2019
    It's early morning in Fantasy Mountain when Feli, Rosie and Dina tell Jenna to fly more carefully. Jenna gets sad and decides to stop flying... without knowing the consequences. What will happen in this episode of the new season of Cry Babies Magic Tears?
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  9. S2 E9 - The mystery of the enchanted pacifier
    August 1, 2019
    Dotty awakes in the middle of the night and discovers her pacifier floating in the air! Magic Tears Legend says that the enchanted pacifier comes to life every 100 years to haunt Cry Babies Magic Tears. Will this mysterious story be true? Enjoy this episode of Cry Babies Magic Tears!
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  10. S2 E10 - Let's go camping
    August 1, 2019
    Lady is preparing her tea party to invite the other Cry Babies Magic Tears, but Gigi suddenly appears and suggests going on a picnic to the countryside. What adventures await for them in the woods? Discover the full story of this new episode of the second season of Cry Babies Magic Tears.
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  11. S2 E11 - Le traducteur de Pets
    December 31, 2014
    Ce serait génial si les Pets Cry Babies Magic Tears pouvaient nous comprendre… Tina a la solution: le casque des mots! Lua le met et commence à raconter des blagues. Impossible d'arrêter de rire! Les Cry Babies Magic Tears pourront-t-il passer la journée sans faire de blagues? Ne manquez pas la fin de ce nouvel épisode de la deuxième saison!
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  12. S2 E11 - The pet Translator
    September 27, 2019
    It would be great that Fantasies could understand Cry Babies Magic Tears' pets... Tina has the solution: the Helmet of words! Lua wears it and starts to tell jokes. It's impossible to stop laughing! Will Cry Babies Magic Tears be able to live without their jokes? Don't miss the ending of this new episode of the second season!
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  13. S2 E12 - Kristal is unwell
    November 22, 2019
    Kristal is feeling unwell! She has a fever and her temperature is so high that her igloo-shaped house is starting to melt. Will Cry Babies Magic Tears manage to care of her and make her feel better?
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  14. S2 E12 - Des glaces multi-parfums
    December 31, 2014
    Dans ce nouvel épisode, il y a une canicule et nos Cry Babies Magic Tears ont très chaud. Coney, aux côtés de Dreamy et Jassy, ??commence à faire des glaces magiques. Quel goût vont-ils avoir? Y aura-t-il assez de glaces pour tous les Cry Babies Magic Tears?
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  15. S2 E13 - Multi-flavoured Ice Creams
    October 25, 2019
    In this new episode, there is a heatwave and our Cry Babies Magic Tears are overheating. Coney, alongside Dreamy and Jassy, starts to make magic flavored ice creams. How will they taste? Will there be enough ice creams to cool off all the Cry Babies Magic Tears?
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  16. S2 E13 - Wandy répare tout!
    December 31, 2014
    Quel bordel! Les Cry Babies Magic Tears ont beaucoup de choses à réparer : la voiture de Fancy, les colliers de Lady… Wandy propose son aide, mais rien ne se passe comme prévu! Seront-ils capable d'arranger la situation? Découvrez-le dans ce nouvel épisode de la deuxième saison des Cry Babies Magic Tears.
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  17. S2 E14 - The Halloween Mystery
    October 11, 2019
    In this new episode of Cry Babies Magic Tears, Bonnie is decorating her house for Halloween, but one pumpkin accidentally falls on her head and gets stuck. All the Cry Babies Magic Tears flee from her thinking she's the zombie pumpkin! How will she manage to get out of this situation?
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  18. S2 E14 - Aventures en caravane
    December 31, 2014
    Les Cry Babies Magic Tears partent en excursion! Avec le van de Koali, ils partent à la recherche du trésor de la tétine Jones en suivant les indices d'une carte. Pourront-ils trouver le diamant rouge et la turquoise gigantesque? Découvrez ce qu'il se passe dans ce nouvel épisode de la deuxième saison de Cry Babies Magic Tears.
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  19. S2 E15 - Le mystère d'Halloween
    December 31, 2014
    Dans ce nouvel épisode des Cry Babies Magic Tears, Bonnie est train de décorer sa maison pour Halloween lorsqu'une citrouille lui tombe sur la tête accidentellement et reste coincée. Tous les Cry Babies Magic Tears la fuient en pensant qu'elle est… la citrouille zombie! Comment va-t-elle réussir à sortir de cette situation?
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  20. S2 E15 - Wandy fixes It all
    November 8, 2019
    What chaos! Cry Babies Magic Tears have many things to fix: Fancy's car, Lady's necklaces... Wandy offers to help, but... nothing turns out well! Will they be able to fix this mess? Find out in this new episode of the second season of Cry Babies Magic Tears.
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  21. S2 E16 - Caravan Adventures
    October 30, 2020
    Cry Babies Magic Tears are going on an excursion! With Koali's campervan they go searching for the treasure of Pacifier Jones following clues from a map. Will they be able to find the red diamond and the gigantic turquoise?
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  22. S2 E16 - Lena est Youtuber!
    December 31, 2014
    Cry Babies Magic Tears s'ennuient à la Montagne Fantastique quand, tout à coup, ils découvrent que Lena est youtuber. Ils prennent son ordinateur portable pour regarder, mais efface toutes ses vidéos par erreur. Comment vont-ils résoudre le problème pour que Lena ne soit pas fâchée? Découvrez-le vite parmi d'autres aventures incroyables dans ce nouvel épisode des Cry Babies Magic Tears.
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  23. S2 E17 - Lena is a Youtuber
    January 9, 2020
    Cry Babies Magic Tears are bored in Fantasy Mountain when, suddenly, they discover Lena is a youtuber. They take her laptop to watch and erase all of her videos by mistake. How will they solve the problem so Lena won't get mad? Find it out along other amazing adventures in this new episode of Cry Babies Magic Tears.
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  24. S2 E17 - La prédiction de Tina
    December 31, 2014
    Bonnie se rend dans le Monde Fantastique pour inviter les autres Cry Babies Magic Tears à son récital de poésie. Elle est nerveuse parce qu'elle ne sait pas s'il va pleuvoir. Elle demande donc à Tina de prédire le temps, car elle sait toujours ce qui va se passer avec sa boule de cristal. Y aura-t-il une inondation dans la vallée? Bonnie pourra-t-elle faire son récital?
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  25. S2 E18 - Tina's Prediction
    January 16, 2020
    Bonnie goes to Fantasy World to invite the other cry babies to her poetry recital. She's nervous because she doesn't know if it will rain, so she asks Tina to predict the weather as she always knows what's going to happen with her crystal ball. Will there be a flood in the valley? Will Bonnie be able to do her recital?
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