I Am Jazz
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S2 E1 – The Hate is Real
7. juni 201641minJazz learns she needs surgery to avoid male puberty. Jeanette and Jazz confront an anti-trans group that has been targeting the family, resulting in a heated public encounter. The family receives a threatening phone call.Abonner på discovery+ eller 2 andre, eller købS2 E2 – I Looked Like a Man in a Dress
14. juni 201643minAfter receiving another threatening phone call, Greg and Jeanette take action. Jazz befriends a transgender girl and helps her take a big step in her transition. Jazz visits her therapist and makes a startling revelation.Abonner på discovery+ eller 2 andre, eller købS2 E3 – It's Either Surgery or Male Puberty
21. juni 201643minTo prevent Jazz from developing as a man, the Jennings go to California so Jazz can get surgery to replace her expired hormone blocker. Meanwhile, Jazz's grandmother confronts a group of old friends about Jazz's transition.Abonner på discovery+ eller 2 andre, eller købS2 E4 – Your Body May Be Rejecting the Implant
28. juni 201643minJazz undergoes surgery to have her testosterone blocker replaced, but complications arise. Jeanette and Jazz go to the DMV for Jazz's driver's permit and attempt to have Jazz's gender changed to female.Abonner på discovery+ eller 2 andre, eller købS2 E5 – Confronted with Hate
7. juni 201643minJazz is confronted by hateful callers when she's a guest on a local radio show. Later, Jazz attends a transgender support group and learns about Noelle's transition. The family plans a big surprise for Jeanette's 50th birthday.Abonner på discovery+ eller 2 andre, eller købS2 E6 – She's Too Young for Breast Surgery
12. juli 201643minWhen Jazz starts exploring breast surgery, Greg and Jeanette disagree on how to proceed. Sander and Griffen become frustrated when Jeanette prioritizes Jazz over them. Then, Jazz receives flirtatious texts from a boy.Abonner på discovery+ eller 2 andre, eller købS2 E7 – We Scare Most Boys
19. juli 201643minFor the first time ever, a boy shows a romantic interest in Jazz, causing her and her parents to question how she will deal with dating and sex as a transgender woman. Meanwhile, the Jennings prepare for a mud run.Abonner på discovery+ eller 2 andre, eller købS2 E8 – Teenage Angst and Broken Hearts
26. juli 201643minWhile Jazz goes on her first real date with a boy, the family wonders if this could grow into something serious. The caller who has been harassing the Jennings is identified, and Greg and Jeanette disagree on what action to take.Abonner på discovery+ eller 2 andre, eller køb
Flere oplysninger
- Ingen tilgængelig
- Colin King MillerKevin ChagnonAengus JamesKatie MohsDavid St. JohnCarrie VandiverTaylor GarbuttJared GoodeWill MavronicolasBrian Raider
- Ari JenningsGregory JenningsSander JenningsJazz JenningsGriffen JenningsJeanette Jennings
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