
Season 1
This series depicts the Alix adventures, a young Gallic man adopted by the wealthy roman governor of Rhodes, Honorus Galla, after the death of his father. Enak, Alix's friend, accompanies him throughout the series. The enemy of Alix in the paper version, Arbacès, is also present in some episodes. Based on the comic strip by Jacques Martin.
199926 episodes7+
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  1. S1 E1 - The way to Gaul
    December 28, 1999
    Alix is a young Gallic slave, witnessed the sack of Khorsabad by the Roman General Marsalla. This coward prefered to flee in front of the Parthian and kept for him King Sargon's treasure. Dodging death, Alix succeeds in fleeing to Gaul. A haikan girl saves his life and become his friend.
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  2. S1 E2 - Arbaces' plot
    December 28, 1999
    Rome. Marcus and his men go to Honorous Gala, in order to get the Arbaces' cup. They fight and Rhodes' governor dies. Alix challenges him to a chart course, but he is accused of sabotage. After several fightings, Alix is condemned to death.
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  3. S1 E3 - The Golden Sphinx
    December 28, 1999
    Gaul. The Roman troops besiege Alesia; Coming back in the tribe, Alix is recognised as being the chief. But Alix is considered a traitor by Alderic the usurper, with the help of the Druid Ansilla. Alix succeeds in convincing Caesar of his innocence. Caesar receives a mysterious Golden Sphinx and decides to send Alix in Egypt in order to make an inquiry.
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  4. S1 E4 - Efaoud Temple
    December 28, 1999
    Alexandria. Alix makes the acquaintance of Enak, who becomes his friend and helps him to avoid traps. Alix is leaving for Efaoud temple, looking for Enak's kidnapers. In fact Arbacès wants to take possession of the world with a magic powder. There, he spoils the Sphinx plans, frees the slaves and makes the place explode. But his enemy manage to escape with the powder formula.
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  5. S1 E5 - Lydas Kidnapping
    December 28, 1999
    Carthages. Phoenicians kidnapped the magus Lydas and flee on board of a slave ship, destroying everything on their way. Alix and Enak , sent by Rome, follow and discover Gallo and Segabal, the two leaders, who escape on the strange slave ship. Alix succeeds in capturing Ségabal, who makes a confession: Lydas must improve his arms for a chief on an island. Alix and Enak go on an expedition.
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  6. S1 E6 - Sardon Den
    December 28, 1999
    Wrecked on an island which seems desert, Alix and Enak discover Egyptian people who are persecuted by Sardon, the Phoenicians master of another island, who want to rule the world; Vitella frees Lydas but Enak is captured and Sardon wants to sacrify him in order to calm the Volcano God's anger.
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  7. S1 E7 - Oribal Tiara
    December 28, 1999
    Alix and Enak escort Oribal, heir to the throne of Zür-Bakal. Their old enemy, Arbacès the tyrannical usurper, sends soldiers to kill Oribal and get his Tiara, symbol of the power.
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  8. S1 E8 - The Black Claw
    December 28, 1999
    Pompei. Alix is invited to his cousin Petrone with Enak. Meanwhile, the city is under a terrible revenge. Actually, the magus Rafa and his companion Nubio, " the black claw" want to avenge the destroying of the Carthaginian city of Icara 30 years ago. Then, the important people of the city are struck by a violent poison and become paralyzed.
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  9. S1 E9 - Icara Revenge
    December 28, 1999
    Alix is looking for an antidote for the victims of the Black claw, he follows the magus Rafa. When they arrive on the African coast, the Romans have to contain the assaults of Nubio's soldiers. Alix, Servio and Enak will face several dangers before leaving to the Rukazori, the sacred mountain.
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  10. S1 E10 - The Lost Legion
    December 28, 1999
    Rome. Alix saves Agerix, a Gallic slave from Garofula's claw. The latter inform him that Pompei keeps the Brennus Sword, symbol of the Gallic unity. Now, with his help, he can rouse up the Gaul against Ceasar and become the master of Rome. On their way, they receive the support of Porius and avoid the Pompei Soldiers.
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  11. S1 E11 - The Last Spartan
    December 28, 1999
    On the road to Greece, Alix and Enak have a shipwreck; Alix 's companions have all been kept as slaves. Alix is also captured then by the Greeks' valorous Captain Horodes. In spite of the humiliation he gave to General Alcidas, Alix decides to protect by himself Queen Adrea. As a Spartan, she dreams of chasing the Romans away from of Greece. But the latter are about to attack her citadel.
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  12. S1 E12 - The Etruscan Grave
    December 28, 1999
    While the civil war is raging, Alix and Enak go with Octave, the nephew of Caesar, to get his sister Lydia at Tarquini. Then, they discover a city harassed by the molochites. Wanting to restore the etruscan monarchy, the latter sacrify human beings for ancient bloodthirsty gods. Betrayed by Brutus, our friends get ambushed and Lydia is kidnapped.
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  13. S1 E13 - The Savage God
    December 28, 1999
    Appolonia. Drawn by a false letter, Alix, Enak and Heraklion get caught in a town which is being built. A strange statu is discovered in the sand; Gifted with magic spell, it is adored by the people who place it in the temple of Apollon. Heraklion is kidnapped and get the hatred of Varius Munda, a Roman soldier.
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  14. S1 E14 - Iorix the Great Part 1
    December 28, 1999
    Defeated by the Parthes, the Romans are forced to sign a treaty. The Roman-Gallic legion, led by the Tribunes Lorus and Hortalus, is forced to go back home in exchange of a bag of gold per person. Alix is then in charge of leading the gallic roman legion on the road to the Gaul. He becomes friend with Beautiful Ariela, but enemy with Iorus, and he protects Valérus.
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  15. S1 E15 - Iorix the Great Part 2
    December 28, 1999
    On their way back, Alix and Lorus Gallic Legion is purchased by the Barbarians allied with the Romans; they abandonned their Gold to the Romans, Iorus decided to revenge on the barbarians. In spite of Alix denial, the Gallic slaughter the tribe of Rug-Harr. Enak is wounded, Valerus is humiliated and Ariel does not recognize the man she used to admire.
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  16. S1 E16 - The Prince of the Nil
    December 28, 1999
    Sakhara, Egypt, Alix comes with Enak, who has been chosen as being in the line of descent of the Mankhara. Actually, it is a plot by Pharaoh in order to force Alix to murder Caesar. Princess Saï doesn't hesitate to commit a sacrilege in order to free Alix, but the latter is quickly re captured.
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  17. S1 E17 - Spartakus Son
    December 28, 1999
    Rome, followed by Pompée guard, Spartaculus, Spartacus'son and his mother Maia are put under the protection of Alix? Helped by their old friend Galva et buy fulgor, an ancient companion of Spartacus, they manage to flee. Actually, Maia wants to deliver her son to Pompée, who is in charge of buying Spartaculus.
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  18. S1 E18 - Carthegian Spectre
    December 28, 1999
    Carthage.Alix and enak decide to find the origin of this strange light that goes along the streetsat night. Ambushed, they see a mysterious man who carries the light. Alix is saved from the den of the man by Princess Samtho, who will lose her life for him.
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  19. S1 E19 - The Volcano Preys
    December 28, 1999
    Abandoned by rebels on an unknown island with some arms and tools, Alix and Enak begin to build a raft. One night, native girl arrives in their den. Doomed to be sacrificied to calm down the volcano anger, she flees. Alix promise to protect her. In exchange of her life, Alix teaches the witchdoctor and the chief how to use arms.
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  20. S1 E20 - The Greek Child
    December 28, 1999
    Athens. Sold as slaves, Alix and Enak are bought by Numa Sadulus. He is in charge of a secret mission for Pompée, and he proposes them a deal to win their freedom. They will have to discover what Hikarion is plotting in his factory. but they will become friends and Hikarion will reveal Alix he has discovered how to make gold.
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  21. S1 E21 - The Babel Tower
    December 28, 1999
    Jerusalem. A rebellion is raising up in Zur Bakal against the cruel and tyrannical Oribal. On their way to Babylon, they meet a strange man dressed in black who seems to protect them, and they will save a girl gifted with a magic spell, called Marah. On the top of the Babel tower, Alix meets again the man in black who tell him not to follow his way.
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  22. S1 E22 - The China Emperor
    December 28, 1999
    Alix and Enak are on the way to China, on a junk. They go there with Mardokios, to join his father. The junk is attacked by pirates and Alix saves the life of Prince Wou Tchi. When they arrive to the Imperial palace, Alix and Enak are introduce to the Emperor who decides to leave his son's education to Alix.
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  23. S1 E23 - Vercingetorix
    December 28, 1999
    Called by Pompée, Alix is in charge of escorting Vercingetorix. When they arrive to his village, Vercingetorix takes his wife and his son with him, but he is ejected from the village because people think he is responsible for the defeat.
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  24. S1 E24 - The Troyes Horse
    December 28, 1999
    Olympe. Alix, Enak and Heraklion are waiting for General Horatius, who is responsible for the death of Queen. They will find the General in a sanctuary, where strange men-horses follow them. Heraklion is kidnapped and Horatius'daughter-in-law wants to exchange The Troyes' Horse against the young boy.
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  25. S1 E25 - The Nabathee Lion
    December 28, 1999
    On his way to Byblos, Alix rescue a lion, which they will call Raban. The latter follow them and even offer them some preys. They are captured and they are going towards Petra. Actually, there a blockade is imposed by Sharamon, and some products are lacking in the city. The Romans take possession of the palace, and they force Him to sign a treaty.
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Jean Cubaud
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