FCK 2020 - Two And A Half Years With Scooter

A 150bpm success story. This music documentary follows Germany's undisputed techno superstars Scooter, with over 30 millions records sold, throughout Europe - during private moments, in the studio, on the road, and at concerts. While the title "FCK 2020" refers to a Scooter hit from 2020, it also responds to pandemic times with surreal humour and an anarchic spirit of resistance.
IMDb 6,91 h 53 min2023X-Ray13+
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Desnudezconsumo de alcoholconsumo de tabacolenguaje malsonantecontenido sexual

Idiomas de audio



English [CC]


Cordula Kablitz-Post


Cordula Kablitz-Post


H.P. BaxxterJens TheleRick J. JordanSebastian SchildeMichael SimonEllen Geerdes


avanti media fiction, MAGNETFILM
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