How The Universe Works

Journey deep into space and examine the moons, planets, and stars as experts reveal the inner workings of space and how they impact us here on Earth. Dive into the depths of the hellish planet Venus and learn how our world will be destroyed. A violent cosmic event billions of years ago is found to be the source of the materials at the root of modern day electronics.
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  1. S4 E1 - How the Universe Built Your Car

    July 13, 2015
    Beneath the hood of your car lies the history of the Universe. The iron in your chassis, the gold in your stereo and the copper in your electronics all owe their existence to violent cosmic events that took place billions of years ago.
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  2. S4 E2 - Earth: Venus's Evil Twin

    July 14, 2015
    There is a hellish planet in our solar system; covered in thick dense clouds and roasted by colossal temperatures. Incredibly this is a vision of Earth's future. To understand how our world will be destroyed we need to look at Earth's evil twin Venus.
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  3. S4 E3 - Monster Black Hole

    July 21, 2015
    Black holes are the least understood places in the universe, where the rules of physics collapse. We go inside the supermassive black hole in the center of the Milky Way to uncover terrifying secrets about parallel universes, wormholes, and space-time.
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  4. S4 E4 - Edge of the Solar System

    August 3, 2015
    Giant magnetic bubbles millions of miles wide, bizarre invisible matter, and a death star tearing through bands of icy comets, flinging them into violent orbits. All this and more could be inside our cosmic backyard, and effecting our lives on Earth.
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  5. S4 E5 - Dawn of Life

    August 10, 2015
    We're on the verge of unconvering the how life on Earth came to be. Our origin is a hotly contested scientific debate.Did we come from strange volcanic hatcheries deep under the sea? Or did life on Earth come from another planet?
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  6. S4 E6 - Secret History of the Moon

    August 17, 2015
    Our Moon is stranger than you think, and we reveal its incredible secrets. Can we thank the Moon for life on Earth? What explains the mysterious tunnels beneath its surface? Is a lunar base the key to humanity's future in space?
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  7. S4 E7 - The First Oceans

    August 24, 2015
    Where did the Earth's oceans come from? For years, scientists suspected they came from molecules delivered to Earth from distant stars by asteroids, but an exciting new discovery suggests that its true origins are be more exotic than anyone ever imagined.
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  8. S4 E8 - Forces of Mass Construction

    August 31, 2015
    There's a mysterious force you can't see or touch, but it affects everything in the universe. Magnetism has shaped our cosmos, and without it, Creation would simply disintegrate. We follow scientists trying to understand how this strange force works.
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