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Chameleons of the World

Season 1
These mysterious dwarflike lions are known all over the world but curiously can live only in very particular places Herpetologists around the world are on a quest to reveal the secret life of these strangelooking lizards An array of hightech tools show the life of chameleons as theyve never been seen before Itrsquos a journey of discovery into the forests of Madagascar the savannahs of east and
20113 episodesTV-14
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  1. S1 E1 - Chameleons around the World

    July 14, 2011
    Host Marius Burger travels around the world introducing us to a few of the many different types of chameleon spread around the world From the island of Madagascar the forests of South Africa to the sand dunes of the Namibian desert these animals have each adapted to their specific landscape
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  2. S1 E2 - Built For the Kill

    July 21, 2011
    Chameleons seem so unassuming But if you break down all of their parts and individual adaptations they are actually perfectly designed killing machinesnbsp Antony Harold uses advanced technology to show us for the first time how these interesting animals use their finely tuned weapons
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  3. S1 E3 - Staying Alive

    July 28, 2011
    Marius gives us another real life look at chameleons How they reproduce and hide from predatorsnbspAntony is still at the lab and gives us a close up of more of the chameleons exceptional hunting tools
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Willie Steenkamp


MagellanTV; Magellan TV
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