Deadwater Fell
第 1 季第 1 集 - Episode 1
2020年1月8日45 分钟Married couple Tom and Kate live a contented life in their small Scottish community with their best friends, Jess and Steve. Until one night, when a fire ravages Tom and Kate"s home, and Steve makes a disturbing discovery while attempting to save them.订阅 AMC + 或附加订阅 3,或购买第 1 季第 2 集 - Episode 2
2020年1月16日47 分钟In the aftermath of the fire, Tom recounts his family life to the police. Jess supports Tom through the funeral, but a chat with an old friend of Kate"s makes Jess reconsider her own relationship with Tom.订阅 AMC + 或附加订阅 3,或购买第 1 季第 3 集 - Episode 3
2020年1月23日46 分钟Armed with new evidence and a witness, the police bring Tom into the station for questioning. When his story doesn"t add up, they arrest him, but Tom believes Steve is setting him up.订阅 AMC + 或附加订阅 3,或购买第 1 季第 4 集 - Episode 4
2020年1月30日47 分钟Tom is released on bail, but the community"s attitude towards him remains frosty, and a confrontation with Steve at the children"s memorial benefit inflames tensions. Steve confides in Jess what Kate told him after the car crash.订阅 AMC + 或附加订阅 3,或购买