Myths & Monsters
S1 E1 - Heroes & Villans
Watch on supported devicesDecember 30, 201743minIn this episode the strange Slavic story of Ivan and Koschei the Deathless is recounted The origins of King Arthur and the wizard Merlin are explored and the epic journey of Odysseus is portrayed as he resists the beautiful songs of the Sirens Finally the depths of human greed are illuminated in the tale of Sigurd and his battle with the dragon FafnirWatch for freeS1 E2 - The Wild Unknown
Watch on supported devicesDecember 30, 201743minThis episode covers the tragic Greek myth of Actaeon who stumbled upon the goddess Artemisa cautioning that those who venture into the realm of the gods never come back unchanged Roman history portrays the Celtic Otherworld as an idyllic place of magic and beauty at least for those who dont stay too long And the tale of the Kraken haunts those who dare to cross the deep blue abyssWatch for freeS1 E3 - War
Watch on supported devicesDecember 30, 201743minThe story of Romulus and Remus echoes through time as one of the most violent illustrations of fratricide and the kindling of war Meanwhile the lore of the Vikings is one of violent raiding and pillaging but is also colored by the divine feminine presence of the Valkyries The Trojan War gave birth to the enduring legend of the Trojan horse preserved through time by the epic of Homers IliadWatch for freeS1 E4 - Love & Betrayal
Watch on supported devicesDecember 30, 201743minLove is a universal and powerful emotion But it can also be destructive Lust can destroy betrayal can wound Such an oftenirrational force asks questions of any society The medieval romance of Tristan and Isolde was a love to be kept in secret lest Isoldes husband King Mark discover them The abandonment of Dido by Aeneas paved the way for Rome and the Norse attitudes of sex and marriage are fullyWatch for freeS1 E5 - Change & Revolution
Watch on supported devicesDecember 30, 201746minHow does a community form How does it survive and adapt to change Myths and legends have played an integral part in establishing the rules of society and the punishments for those who break them Learn more about the Pied Piper of Hamelin is an old tale of social norms Investigate the longevity of legendary outlaw Robin Hood and examine how stories of magic and malice led to the horrific witchWatch for freeS1 E6 - The End Of All Things
Watch on supported devicesDecember 30, 201743minDeath is a frightening unsettling prospect for us all Myths and legends help explore those anxieties But they tell us about more than mortal fear alone For in a cultures tales of death we can see what it is they value in life Learn about the ancient Greek myth of Antigone who defied the laws of her land to bury her dead brother and the most beloved and perfect of the Norse gods Balder whose fateWatch for free
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- Daniel Kontur
- Nicholas Day
- Classic Docs
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