
In The New Adventures of “Lassie”, the beloved collie comes to life in an animated TV series that is adventurous, humorous and a whole lot of fun. Lassie is smart, loyal and ready to cross rivers and fires to come to the rescue of her young owner, 10-year old Zoe. A big task, as Zoe’s hunger for adventure is as large as the Grand Mountain National Park that Zoe and Lassie call home.
201526 episodes7+
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  1. S1 E1 - Saving Zuli
    February 22, 2014
    With the first snows of winter on the way, Zoe, Lassie and Harvey ignore Graham’s warnings and track a tagged bird they have released into the wild. The three rescue the bird, too weak to migrate south, but not until they’ve exposed themselves to a dangerous blizzard.
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  2. S1 E2 - Poachers in the Park!
    January 10, 2015
    Zoe and her mother nurse an injured Grizzly cub back to health and release it into the wild. However, when Zoe realizes she may have just handed the little bear over to a poacher, she, Lassie and Harvey head back into the forest to set a trap for the poacher and rescue the cub.
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  3. S1 E3 - Gold Rush!
    January 18, 2014
    Zoe and Lassie take Harvey up a small creek to see a beaver dam and visit her family’s favorite swimming hole. Realizing that the beavers – and the Creek itself - are threatened by a pair of unscrupulous gold miners who have snuck into the area, Zoe and Harvey take in on themselves to stop them.
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  4. S1 E4 - Danger on the Mountain
    January 17, 2015
    Zoe, Harvey and Lassie take a dangerous trip into the forest to find Zoe’s beloved Aunt Kim, who has crashed her plane in the high country. What Zoe doesn’t know, is that Kim was carrying a cougar in a cage…and finding Kim means walking into danger.
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  5. S1 E5 - The Treasure of Dan Montaigne
    February 14, 2014
    When Lassie and the kids find an old treasure map in Mrs. Lee’s store, it sends them on an adventure that reveals the truth about a notorious hermit who lived in the peaks of Grand Mountain.
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  6. S1 E6 - Forest Fire!
    April 8, 2014
    Zoe and Harvey witness a lightning strike that begins a forest fire. Making a heroic choice not to head for home, Zoe leads Lassie and Harvey up the mountain to a fire lookout, using the radio inside to alert her father to the fire. However, her eagerness to save a group of animals trapped by the advancing fire puts them all in danger.
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  7. S1 E7 - Spider Bite!
    July 3, 2014
    Zoe, Lassie and Harvey are with Graham in a nearby town when Sarah calls them with an emergency. Mrs. Lee has been bitten by a poisonous spider and needs antivenin. Rushing home, Graham and the kids encounter a couple of tourists who have got themselves into trouble. Graham is duty-bound to remain behind.
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  8. S1 E8 - Round up!
    January 24, 2015
    Zoe and Harvey are finally old enough to accompany Graham on the annual roundup of the park’s wild horses. Working alongside a group of cowboys, the kids and Lassie help Graham drive the wild horses back to the valley where they can be well taken care of, and eventually placed safely on ranches in the area.
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  9. S1 E9 - Wolf attack
    November 22, 2014
    It is rare that wolves will attack livestock…so when local Rancher angrily report that their cows are being killed by a vicious wolf, Sarah decides to head into the back-country to figure out what’s really going on. With Zoe, Harvey and Lassie along, Sarah hikes into the high country to observe the wolves and see if the Ranchers’ accusations could be true.
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  10. S1 E10 - Avalanche
    March 14, 2014
    Skiing in a local resort, Zoe, Lassie and Harvey meet a reckless young teenager named Drew. The supremely confident older boy convinces the kids to try a run that Graham has recently closed because of the danger of avalanches. The run is steeper than Drew can handle. His thirst for excitement puts well as Lassie and the kids in danger.
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  11. S1 E11 - The Day off
    January 31, 2015
    Lassie and the Parker family’s attempt to spend a quiet day together having a picnic like a normal family is interrupted by constant emergencies. The family never actually have their picnic... but they do realize they’re happiest when they’re doing what they do best...”saving the day!”
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  12. S1 E12 - The Tornado Hunters
    March 21, 2014
    Zoe and Harvey must ignore an oncoming storm to help a group of amateur tornado chasers survive outside in the dangerous weather. Luckily, with Lassie to help them, the odd are on their side.
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  13. S1 E13 - Where's Lassie?
    February 7, 2014
    Hiking in the forest Zoe stays behind to hang out with some older girls she admires and Lassie heads for home on her own. When Zoe arrives home later, she’s concerned to discover that Lassie never came home. Now while the whole community searches for her, only Zoe knows the dog well enough to find her.
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  14. S1 E14 - Who Knows Best?
    August 30, 2014
    When Zoe and Harvey make a bet who can get home first, they take different paths. While Harvey follows the paths as indicated on his map, Zoe attempts to blaze her own trail. But without Lassie along to guide her, Zoe will get herself hopelessly lost.
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  15. S1 E15 - Hide and Seek!
    February 7, 2015
    When Sarah must head into the field to investigate an illness that is affecting the park’s deer, Zoe is left in charge of the one fawn that appears to be resistant to the disease. When the little deer escapes, Zoe feels responsible and sets out to find him, taking Lassie with her.
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  16. S1 E16 - Frances' Garden
    February 4, 2014
    Following Mrs. Lee’s indications to find a special flower which may cure Biff, Lassie and the kids look for the home and garden of an aging hermit named Frances. The old woman seems mean and inaccessible and when the kids unintentionally infuriate her, they look like they may be in trouble.
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  17. S1 E17 - The Iron Hors of Grand Mountain
    October 11, 2014
    Robert Humphrey begins running steam-train tours in Grand Mountain which Lassie and Zoe see are scaring the park’s small herd of buffalo. Graham tells Humphrey he must change the train’s route. Humphrey ignores the warnings and sends the train down an old and damaged track.
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  18. S1 E18 - The Demon of Diamond Lake
    February 21, 2014
    Lassie and the kids have found a family of Black-Footed Ferrets living in the park! These rare animals are endangered and the kids are excited to see their den protected. At the same time, Robert Humphrey has come up with a plan to attract tourists to the park by paying Nick Connelly to impersonate a legendary “Loch Ness” style monster.
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  19. S1 E19 - Thin Ice
    April 11, 2014
    Humphrey’s niece, Samantha, brings a group of girls up from the city for her birthday party, she and Zoe don’t get along. When Samantha’s choice of skating ponds puts her whole group in danger, Zoe intercedes, saving Samantha and finding a true ally – which is a good thing, because it’s going to take both of them together with Lassie to save Harvey’s life.
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  20. S1 E20 - Trapped
    September 12, 2014
    Zoe, Lassie and Harvey head into the high country with Graham when the waters of Diamond Lake begin to mysteriously recede, threatening the animals who drink from the lake. Graham fears that some obstruction may have blocked the flow of water. When the rangers discover a logjam that has dammed the creek that feeds the lake, they set to work busting it up.
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  21. S1 E21 - Momma Zoe
    December 31, 2013
    When Sarah airlifts a wolf and her pups to another park for their own safety, Zoe discovers that one pup has been inadvertently left behind. Promising the tiny wolf that she will return it to its mother, Zoe, Lassie and Harvey begin to hike the pup out of the backcountry.
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  22. S1 E22 - Condors in the Valley
    September 13, 2014
    After Lassie spots a condor that’s been hurt in the wing, Zoe and Harvey must transport the endangered bird to Sarah’s clinic. Lassie realizes the Condor has left a chick in her nest and the kids realize they must save TWO generations of this endangered species. With fewer than 400 of these rare birds left alive, their mission is a vital one.
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  23. S1 E23 - Harvey's Journey
    February 28, 2014
    Harvey’s father was a famous rock climber who died when Harvey was just a baby. When a Park event leaves Harvey feeling the loss of his father very strongly, he sneaks away from the Valley to make the dangerous climb to a remote lake that was his father’s favorite spot in the world.
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  24. S1 E24 - The Secrets of the Parker Clan
    October 4, 2014
    Zoe’s father Graham grew up in the Valley. His grandparents were some of the area’s first residents. While Zoe knows a lot about her family, one mystery remains...there is a tiny valley where her father used to go...that he never talks about. In fact he’s never revealed its location. Harvey figures out where the valley must be and he, Zoe and Lassie hike in to discover the truth about the spot.
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  25. S1 E25 - The Grand Mountain Adventure Challenge Part 1
    September 5, 2014
    “The Grand Mountain Adventure Challenge” is an annual contest for kids. The Challenge tests kids’ abilities in Canoeing, Hiking, Rock Climbing and Orienteering - and this year it has a 10,000 dollar prize. The Challenge attracts kids from all over, including friends Zoe made in previous episodes. Zoe’s beloved Aunt Kim arrives with a Mountain Lion due to be rehomed.
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Jean-Christophe Roger
DQ Entertainment International
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