Mind Shift
S1 E1 - Psychedelics and Religion
June 30, 20131 h 3 minJoin Alex Grey and Michael Muhammad Knight in this episode of Mind Shift on Psychedelics and Religion. Learn about psychedelics' storied past and how they might affect what's to come.Free trial of GaiaS1 E2 - Evolving Enlightenment
June 30, 201359minAre we entering into a new era where our thoughts can truly create reality? The answer is complicated, as human beings are complicated beings. Daniel Pinchbeck talks with Jay Michaelson and Richard Smoley, two scholars of esoteric traditions, about the nature of evolving enlightenment.Free trial of GaiaS1 E3 - The Future of Humanity Part 1
December 31, 20141 h 7 minJoin Howard Bloom, Miki Agrawal and Amber Lasciak in this episode of Mind Shift on The Future of Humanity (Part One). Our monetary practices are destroying the planet, but solutions abound.Free trial of GaiaS1 E4 - The Future of Humanity Part 2
December 31, 201440minJoin Howard Bloom and Richard Smoley in this episode of Mind Shift on The Future of Humanity - Part 2. They explore the full spectrum of our species' collective advancement.Free trial of GaiaS1 E5 - Enlightening our Global Culture
September 30, 201328minJoin Russell Brand and Eve Ensler in this episode of Mind Shift on Enlightening our Global Culture. In these tumultuous times, this discussion shines an optimistic light.Free trial of GaiaS1 E6 - Worldwide Feminine Revolution
June 30, 201341minJoin Eve Ensler and Jerin Arifa in this episode of Mind Shift on Worldwide Feminine Revolution. Explore the idea of alleviating society of brutality against any and all of us.Free trial of GaiaS1 E7 - The New Future of Art and Science
June 30, 201359minJoin Carter Cleveland and John Petersen in this episode of Mind Shift on The New Future of Art and Science. Explore how humanity might evolve by merging these concepts.Free trial of GaiaS1 E8 - Psychedelic Perspectives
June 30, 201353minJoin Ben Lee, Ross Brockley and Stuart Braunstein in this episode of Mind Shift on Psychedelic Perspectives. Learn how psychedelic journeys may be both used and abused.Free trial of GaiaS1 E9 - Normalizing the Supernatural
December 31, 201457minJoin Richard Dolan and George Hansen in this episode of Mind Shift on Normalizing the Supernatural. The more we know, the less we criticize, stigmatize and discredit.Free trial of GaiaS1 E10 - Toltec Shamanic Prophecies
December 31, 201460minJoin Daniel Pinchbeck in this episode of Mind Shift on Toltec Shamanic Prophecies. This ancient wisdom, often misinterpreted, provides insight into what's to come.Free trial of Gaia
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