
Psychic Investigators

Reallife police investigations take on a supernatural twist in Psychic Investigators where actual crimes are solved thanks to hitech detective work and the paranormal powers of a psychic Told from two very different points of viewmdashthe psychicrsquos with empathy and emotion and the coprsquos dominated by logic and reasonmdasheach suspenseful episode will raise the hair on the back of your neck
IMDb 7,3200615 épisodes13+
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  1. S. 1 ÉP. 1 - Jason Williams

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    19 octobre 2006
    26 min
    Psychic Sue Evans assists the family of a man who never made it home after a night out drinking with his buddies
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  2. S. 1 ÉP. 2 - Amie Hoffman

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    19 octobre 2006
    26 min
    Psychic Nancy Weber is called in by the family of teen Amie Hoffman who disappeared on the way home from work Then after another young woman is murdered the police work together with Weber to track down the serial killer
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  3. S. 1 ÉP. 3 - Margie Calciano

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    19 octobre 2006
    26 min
    Psychic Lauren Thibodeau helps a police detective with the Margie Calciano cold case leading him to a killer several states away from the scene of the crime
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  4. S. 1 ÉP. 4 - Rachel Domas

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    19 octobre 2006
    26 min
    Veteran psychic Nancy Weber assists a rookie cop in solving the case of a 14yearold girl who missed the school bus and was never seen again
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  5. S. 1 ÉP. 5 - Alexis Burke

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    31 décembre 2005
    26 min
    Psychic Laurie McQuary helps Oregon detective Robert Lee identify a missing-persons case as a murder.
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  6. S. 1 ÉP. 6 - Penney Serra

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    19 octobre 2006
    26 min
    Psychic Laurie McQuary helps Oregon detective Robert Lee identify a missingpersons case as a murder
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  7. S. 1 ÉP. 7 - Penney Serra

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    19 octobre 2006
    26 min
    When a wife and mother of two mysteriously disappears on Christmas Day psychic Joe Power believes that her remains can be found in the beach community where she lived and a new police detective on the case gets a confession from the killer
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  8. S. 1 ÉP. 8 - Mick Hughes

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    19 octobre 2006
    26 min
    When a family man disappears one night after work psychic Mary Ellen Rodrigues helps police by describing his murder to an officer who comes into her shop
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  9. S. 1 ÉP. 9 - Mick Hughes

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    19 octobre 2006
    26 min
    Dedicated psychic Robert Cracknell helps journalist Norman Luck track down two con men in Scotland who perpetrated a fraud involving church organs
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  10. S. 1 ÉP. 10 - Southern Organs Case

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    20 avril 2006
    26 min
    Psychic Angela McGee assists the investigation of the scene after a man is attacked and bleeds to death in the living quarters above his pub
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  11. S. 1 ÉP. 11 - Baton Rouge

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    10 octobre 2006
    26 min
    Psychic Christine Holohan helps police with clues to the death of young Jacqueline Poole who was assaulted and strangled in her home
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  12. S. 1 ÉP. 12 - Jacquie Poole

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    19 octobre 2006
    25 min
    In the search for a serial killer in Baton Rouge Louisiana police arent impressed by psychic Jeanne Borgens visions until one of the victims neighbors reports seeing a peeping tom who could match her description of the killer
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  13. S. 1 ÉP. 13 - Mark Green

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    19 octobre 2006
    26 min
    Psychic Diane Lazarus helps a woman find the murderers of her nephew
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  14. S. 1 ÉP. 14 - Lawrence Mbroh

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    19 octobre 2006
    26 min
    Psychic Investigators reports on a missing persons case reenacting the events that lead to the disappearance of a wellliked drug dealer Lawrence Mbrohs father contacts Detective Pam Gray to report his son missing
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  15. S. 1 ÉP. 15 - Rosa Talamantes

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    22 juin 2006
    26 min
    Jo claims that he and his girlfriend Rosa Talamantes went out for drinks and that she left him alone at a bar on the day of her disappearance The problem with Jos story is that Rosa would never have left her five children at home by themselves
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