
Maine Cabin Masters: Building Italy

Season 1
The Maine Cabin Masters have set out to test their skills in a whole new country -- Italy! Chase, Sarah and the kids head to a remote village to renovate their own dream home and along the way, they get a little help from their friends!
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  1. S1 E1 - Building Italy: Chase Hunts for an Italian Dream Home

    June 16, 2024
    The Maine Cabin Masters want to test their skills in a whole new country -- Italy! Chase, Sarah and their four children set out house hunting in the remote Italian countryside. Will they find the perfect place to renovate?
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  2. S1 E2 - Building Italy: Demolition and a New Italian Bathroom

    June 23, 2024
    Chase, Sarah, Ashley and Ryan have arrived in Italy for the long haul. They need to work with the locals to demolish the house and complete their first big project before the kids arrive -- these kids will need a working bathroom!
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  3. S1 E3 - Building Italy: Bedrooms and a Basement Floor

    June 30, 2024
    Chase has two big projects to juggle. The kids have big ideas for their four bedrooms on the second floor, while the basement has walls needing demolition and new floors that need to be poured if he's to keep on schedule for the future family room.
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  4. S1 E4 - Building Italy: Sarah's Italian Dream Kitchen

    July 7, 2024
    The Cabin Masters and Morrill family take on their most ambitious project yet: a complete kitchen overhaul. Chase discovers local stoneworkers, embraces the kids artistic side and guests from Maine arrive to lend a hand.
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  5. S1 E5 - Building Italy: From Animal Stables to a New Family Room

    July 14, 2024
    Even with Ashley, Ryan and Jedi to help, Chase and family have a ton of work to do to turn their walkout basement into a family room complete with a new bathroom. Only Chase could find a second life for old animal troughs!
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  6. S1 E6 - Building Italy: Exteriors and The Final Reveal

    July 21, 2024
    With two weeks left and a ton of work remaining, including exteriors, roofing, decking, landscaping and a missing bedroom, Chase, Ashley, Ryan, Sarah and the kids have to rally to finish the house!
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Sarah MorrillChase Morrill


discovery plus Renovation
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