Wild America

In our human quest to discover the magic of new worlds, we have long traveled to remote areas due to mythical accounts of magical creatures. Yet sometimes the inhabitants of Nature living nearby are just as enjoyable and awe-inspiring, if we only take the time to get to know them better.
IMDb 8.6199910 episodesTV-PG
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  1. S7 E1 - Designs for Defense

    January 31, 1986
    Wild creatures have evolved a variety of fascinating means for discouraging predators. Some of these methods of protection, such as the Porcupine's quills, are built right into the animal's anatomy. Other devices, like the ability of the Opossum to "play dead", are behavioral. Survival usually depends on a complex set of interactions between predator and prey.
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  2. S7 E2 - Marmot Mountain

    November 10, 2008
    Amid the scenic springtime beauty of the wild Rockies, we meet a colony of Yellow-bellied Marmots waking from winter hibernation. As summer progresses, these social "Rock-chucks", close kin to the Woodchuck, teach their fuzzy young about communal life. One major lesson is diving for safety when a sentry whistles that their primary predator, the Golden Eagle, hovers overhead.
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  3. S7 E3 - Meet the Marten

    November 10, 2008
    From branch to branch leaps a lithe hunter, alert in its pursuit of Squirrels, Birds and other prey. Its rich golden fur blends with the trunks of the Spruce trees in our northern forests; its bright eyes shine as it hunts and forages at night. We follow a young Marten from early spring into winter and see how this most solitary member of the Weasel family earns the right to survive.
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  4. S7 E4 - Minnesota Mink

    November 10, 2008
    It's most widely known as a status symbol when its skin is fashioned into luxury garments. But there's much more to a Mink than a fur coat. It's a fascinating member of the Weasel Family -- as graceful in water as an Otter, as feisty on land as a Wolverine, and as pungent under stress as a Skunk. We follow a mother Mink as she hunts, mates and rears a family near lovely Lake Superior.
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  5. S7 E5 - Otters of the Adirondacks

    November 10, 2008
    Graceful, powerful, and -- above all -- playful... is the endearing River Otter. This program is a portrait of these energetic creatures, set against the backdrop of our nation's largest park in the Adirondack Mountains of upstate New York. From tumbling streams to placid lake shores, this freshwater clown finds fun wherever it travels. Every aspect of its existence is explored.
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  6. S7 E6 - Swamp Critters

    November 10, 2008
    Haunting beauty and mystery characterize our southern swamps. They teem with an amazing -- and amusing -- variety of creatures. Where land meets water is the richest nursery of life. Alligators lurk as they have since prehistoric times, an Anhinga swims underwater and spears its meal. In the heart of the swamp, an astounding fish changes its color and pattern in seconds.
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  7. S7 E7 - Wild Cats

    October 26, 1983
    We all know domestic Cats. We've seen them savagely attack a ball of yarn, contentedly purr on our lap, and instinctively sharpen their claws, probably on our finest furniture. Yet we rarely see their wild cousins, the most elusive of all animals... and the most deadly. This program explores the Jaguar, Mountain Lion, Lynx, Bobcat, Margay, Ocelot, and Jaguarundi.
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  8. S7 E8 - Wild Dogs

    November 10, 2008
    The domestic Dog has won affection granted no other animal. Surprisingly, "our best friend" closely resembles its wild cousins -- the Wolf, Coyote and Fox -- the most misunderstood and feared family of animals in North America. Today, we are fascinated by the social behavior of the Wild Dogs and are beginning to appreciate their roles as "Top Dogs" in various natural ecosystems.
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  9. S7 E9 - Year of the Mustang - Part 1

    December 24, 1999
    Five hundred years ago, Spanish Conquistadors re-introduced the Horse to the Americas. A handful escaped and grew into vast herds by the 1800's. These "Mestanos" or Mustangs, inspired Native Americans to develop an elaborate horse culture on their "Sacred Dogs." Raven, a Mustang stallion, leads his band through the Arrowhead Mountains in this true story of survival.
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  10. S7 E10 - Year of the Mustang - Part 2

    December 24, 1999
    As our fascinating story of a band of Wild Mustangs continues, Raven, the Mustang stallion, and his son Diamond are released with what is left of their decimated band. They battle mare-stealing "bachelor" stallions, and witness the birth of the extraordinary colt named Cloud. We travel along with this courageous band as their incredible adventures unfold.
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Marty Stouffer


Marty Stouffer


Marty Stouffer Productions Ltd
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