The Adventures of Pluto Nash

One-sixth the gravity. 100% of the fun. That's the way things are on the moon when Eddie Murphy headlines The Adventures of Pluto Nash. Murphy plays the title role in a high-flying action comedy directed by Ron Underwood (Tremors, City Slickers). The year is 2087, and the future isn't what it used to be now that mobsters (including Joe Pantoliano) are muscling in on Nash's Club Pluto. But Pluto...
IMDb 3.91 h 34 min200216+
Science FictionComedyActionFeel-good
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Ron Underwood


Martin BregmanMichael S. BregmanLouis A. Stroller


Eddie MurphyRandy QuaidRosario DawsonJoe PantolianoJay MohrLuis GuzmánJames RebhornPeter BoylePam GrierJohn Cleese


Warner Bros.
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