xivetv documentaries

Caught on Camera

Season 4
Come along on a wild trip to experience incredible clips and reallife footage all filmed by members of the public Film clips include everything from road incidents to weddings gone wrong holiday mishaps flights from hell crimes and their unexpected heroes and jawdropping moments all caught on camera
8 episodesTV-PG
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  1. S4 E1 - Car Crime

    Experience unbelievable footage of car crimes from the United Kingdom and around the world For starters youll witness daring car thefts harrowing police chases incendiary road rage and raucous dangerous driving All is caught on camera as it happens by citizen journalists using smartphones and helmet cams Beyond that theres the allseeing eye of closedcircuit television CCTV
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  2. S4 E2 - Daylight Robbery

    Witness the most audacious crimes committed by lawless brazen criminals Youll experience a wide range of crimes that all take place in plain sight or in an unashamed way Theyre captured on the cameras of victims eyewitnesses and law enforcement
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  3. S4 E3 - Moped Muggers

    Great Britain is under siege by criminals who use mopeds to assist their wrongdoing See the wildest most jawdropping moments ever caught on camera From muggings to smashandgrabs and acid attacks to police chases watch footage captured on dash cams helmet cams and closedcircuit television CCTV This alarming chaotic footage has been filmed by victims witnesses and law enforcement
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  4. S4 E4 - Neighbours From Hell Part 1

    Fights break out on doorsteps rubbish is piled high in front gardens and other ghastly behaviors break out into the open Enjoy some lighthearted stories and some more serious ones including neighbors breaking the law
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  5. S4 E5 - Neighbours From Hell Part 2

    Nosy neighbors nightmare neighbors all kinds of disruptive neighbors join to make life miserable for people on the street where they live These offensive neighbors argue harangue enforce imaginary property disputes and party well into the night all without regard for their own neighbors wellbeing Its neighbor against neighbor in this concrete jungle and its all caught on camera
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  6. S4 E6 - Police In Danger

    What happens when police officers charged with keeping the public safe come under attack by felonious criminals Examine incredible footage of what the police deal with on the front line With an officer reporting being assaulted on average every 18 minutes and more and more incidents being caught on camera we meet the policemen and women putting themselves in danger to protect the public
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  7. S4 E7 - Weather From Hell Part 1

    Jawdropping footage and dramatic stories are filmed by people caught in the middle of extreme weather Youll witness how a lightning bolt wrecks a home with a family inside a man is caught in an avalanche and a family was nearly swept away in a freak holiday storm Its a breathtaking ride through a years worth of wild weather events
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  8. S4 E8 - Weather From Hell Part 2

    In recent years the weather weve experienced around the globe has seemed to have oscillated wildly from one extreme to the other We have seen recordbreaking high and low temperatures flash floods droughts and wildfires These days we have to be braced for just about anything because anything can happen We can certainly tell that extreme weather is getting more frequent and more intense
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