Sweet Revenge
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S1 E1 - Episodio 1
March 25, 201656minPalin es una joven rica que lleva una vida perfecta. Bella como pocas consigue el supuesto amor de su vida en un apuesto joven llamado Tolga. Lamentablemente Palin será abandonada al pie del altar por el novio quien huye de la boda.Free trial of FlixLatinoS1 E1 - Sweet Revenge - Episode 1
March 25, 20162 h 4 minPelin thinks her life is complete if she marries the man of her dreams. Ironically, the groom disappears on the wedding day. She has to break the curse by amending her relationship with her old lover from college.This video is currently unavailableS1 E2 - Sweet Revenge - Episode 2
March 25, 20162 h 5 minPelin thinks her life is complete if she marries the man of her dreams. Ironically, the groom disappears on the wedding day. She has to break the curse by amending her relationship with her old lover from college.This video is currently unavailableS1 E2 - Episodio 2
March 25, 201654minPalin y sus amigas pasean por las calles de Estambul y consiguen a una mujer quien le dice a Palin que ella sufre una maldición porque maltrató a alguien en el pasado. Es por ello que nunca llegará a ser feliz si no consigue ser perdonada. Ellas recuerdan a alguien de la universidad a quien Palin lo usaba como su esclavo personal.Free trial of FlixLatinoS1 E3 - Sweet Revenge - Episode 3
March 25, 20162 h 7 minPelin thinks her life is complete if she marries the man of her dreams. Ironically, the groom disappears on the wedding day. She has to break the curse by amending her relationship with her old lover from college.This video is currently unavailableS1 E3 - Episodio 3
March 25, 201645minBülent, el socio de Sinam en el restaurant le recomienda al joven Chef que escuche a Palin. Ella se emborracha y va a su encuentro. Sinan al darse cuenta del estado en que se encuentra Palin la lleva a su casa y pasara allí la noche.Free trial of FlixLatinoS1 E4 - Episodio 4
March 25, 201648minCeyda y la Madre de Sinam se anotan un gran éxito al conseguirle una entrevista con un periodista especializado en comida. Las amigas de Palin llegan al restaurant de Sinan y se sorprenden al conseguir a su amiga hacienda oficio de mujer de servicio.Free trial of FlixLatinoS1 E4 - Sweet Revenge - Episode 4
March 25, 20162 h 8 minPelin thinks her life is complete if she marries the man of her dreams. Ironically, the groom disappears on the wedding day. She has to break the curse by amending her relationship with her old lover from college.This video is currently unavailableS1 E5 - Sweet Revenge - Episode 5
March 25, 20162 h 14 minPelin thinks her life is complete if she marries the man of her dreams. Ironically, the groom disappears on the wedding day. She has to break the curse by amending her relationship with her old lover from college.This video is currently unavailableS1 E5 - Episodio 5
March 25, 201651minUn cliente del restaurant se sobrepasa con Pelin y Sinam sale en su defensa. El enfrentamiento entre Pelin y Ceyda será inevitable. Pelin logra conseguir un ingrediente exótico y exclusivo y en agradecimiento Sinam la vuelve a contratar.Free trial of FlixLatinoS1 E6 - Sweet Revenge - Episode 6
March 25, 20162 h 18 minPelin thinks her life is complete if she marries the man of her dreams. Ironically, the groom disappears on the wedding day. She has to break the curse by amending her relationship with her old lover from college.This video is currently unavailableS1 E6 - Episodio 6
March 25, 201651minEl padre de Pelin se la lleva a la fuerza del restaurant. Un juez dicta una medida de cierre en contra del restaurant producto de la estafa de Necip. Pelin discute airadamente con su padre para hacerlo entrar en razón. Pelin regresa con su antiguo novio debido a que su madre lo apoya.Free trial of FlixLatinoS1 E7 - Sweet Revenge - Episode 7
March 25, 20162 h 19 minPelin thinks her life is complete if she marries the man of her dreams. Ironically, the groom disappears on the wedding day. She has to break the curse by amending her relationship with her old lover from college.This video is currently unavailableS1 E7 - Episodio 7
March 25, 201653minHavva se enfrenta a su madre por su esposo eximiéndole de culpa por la estafa del restaurant. Pelin organiza una cena como excusa para encontrar la oportunidad de prestarle el dinero a Sinam para rescatar el restaurant.Free trial of FlixLatinoS1 E8 - Sweet Revenge - Episode 8
March 25, 20162 h 8 minPelin thinks her life is complete if she marries the man of her dreams. Ironically, the groom disappears on the wedding day. She has to break the curse by amending her relationship with her old lover from college.This video is currently unavailableS1 E8 - Episodio 8
March 25, 201649minNecip abandona a Havva por todas las vergüenzas que le ha causado. Sinam le pregunta a Pelin si realmente vale la pena regresar con Tolga. Bülent, le consulta a Sinam si va a aceptar la oferta del préstamo que le ofrece Pelin desinteresadamente para poder pagar la multa del restaurant.Free trial of FlixLatinoS1 E9 - Episodio 9
March 25, 201646minSuheila la madre de Pelin enfrenta a su esposo Riza quien comienza a sospechar de la actitud de su esposa. A sus espaldas ella negociara con Tolga. a pesar de lo que hizo para que vuelva con Pelin para alejarla de Sinam.Free trial of FlixLatinoS1 E9 - Sweet Revenge - Episode 9
March 25, 20162 h 20 minPelin thinks her life is complete if she marries the man of her dreams. Ironically, the groom disappears on the wedding day. She has to break the curse by amending her relationship with her old lover from college.This video is currently unavailableS1 E10 - Sweet Revenge - Episode 10
March 25, 20162 h 7 minPelin thinks her life is complete if she marries the man of her dreams. Ironically, the groom disappears on the wedding day. She has to break the curse by amending her relationship with her old lover from college.This video is currently unavailableS1 E10 - Episodio 10
March 25, 201645minTolga vuelve ser el mismo de siempre saliendo con otra mujer a espaldas de Pelin. Sinam casualmente se lo encuentra en el mismo restaurant y casi se van a las manos. Pelin y Sinam descubren el ingrediente secreto del postre que preparaba el difunto padre de Sinam.Free trial of FlixLatinoS1 E11 - Episodio 11
March 25, 201652minLos padres de Pelin fingen ante su hija que sus problemas de pareja han acabado. Tolga asistirá de improvisto a una cena de la asociación de nutricionistas organizada por Pelin. Tolga le cuenta a Pelin de su contratación para alejarla de Sinam. Ella en consecuencia correrá a los brazos del Chef y juntos se alejarán de todo y de todos.Free trial of FlixLatinoS1 E11 - Sweet Revenge - Episode 11
March 25, 20162 h 4 minPelin thinks her life is complete if she marries the man of her dreams. Ironically, the groom disappears on the wedding day. She has to break the curse by amending her relationship with her old lover from college.This video is currently unavailableS1 E12 - Sweet Revenge - Episode 12
March 25, 20162 h 8 minPelin thinks her life is complete if she marries the man of her dreams. Ironically, the groom disappears on the wedding day. She has to break the curse by amending her relationship with her old lover from college.This video is currently unavailableS1 E12 - Episodio 12
March 25, 201646minLa pareja se queda accidentada en la carretera y llegan a una posada donde para pasar la noche tendrán que fingir ser marido y mujer. Al otro día Pelin contempla extasiada el torso desnudo de Sinam cortando leña para encender la chimenea para que Pelin no pase frio.Free trial of FlixLatinoS1 E13 - Episodio 13
March 25, 201655minLa policía encuentra a la pareja y Sinam es detenido y acusado de secuestro por una denuncia hecha por Reza, el padre de Pelin. Afortunadamente Pelin convence a su padre de retirar la denuncia y posteriormente Sinam es liberado y todas las denuncias en su contra son retiradas.Free trial of FlixLatino
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