
Shark Wranglers

Season 1
On "Shark Wranglers," Chris Fischer and his crew of the shark research vessel OCEARCH risk life and limb to tag and track great white sharks - all while grappling with rough weather, rougher oceans, and poachers who threaten to wipe out the entire species.
IMDb 8.410 episodesX-RayTV-14
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  1. S1 E1 - Killer Catch

    June 30, 2012
    An elite team of American fishermen comes face to face with a deadly predator as they launch a bold, unprecedented mission to catch and tag 50 Great White sharks.
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  2. S1 E2 - Bay of the Fighting Sharks

    July 7, 2012
    Day two of the expedition to hunt and tag 50 Great White sharks in 40 days: Chris Fischer and his crew are stalking and tagging the infamous great white "Fighters of Mossel Bay", South Africa.
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  3. S1 E3 - The Curse of Maya

    July 14, 2012
    The search for a lost shark drives expedition leader Chris Fischer and the Ocearch crew on a dangerous rescue attempt into murky, shark-infested waters of Mossel Bay, South Africa.
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  4. S1 E4 - Monster of Bird Island

    July 7, 2012
    Algoa Bay, South Africa: Tales of monster sharks and elusive Great Whites drive Expedition leader Chris Fischer and crew to the edge in their bid to tag 50 sharks in 40 days.
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  5. S1 E5 - Line of Fire

    July 28, 2012
    To break a nine-day fishing drought, the crew returns to proven shark territory, but nothing goes as planned. In a wicked storm, the ship s anchor cable snaps and whips across the deck with deadly force, catching one crewman in the crossfire.
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  6. S1 E6 - Shark Alley

    August 4, 2012
    Chris Fischer and crew head to a bay that s a known hotspot for sharks as big as pick-up trucks. Facing a time limit, the men fish around the clock--risking life and limb to catch huge sharks in the dead of night.
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  7. S1 E7 - Friday the 13th

    August 11, 2012
    Brett is forced to dive into shark infested waters to correct another crew member s mistake. A grueling 48 hour fishing marathon bruises a battered crew but they catch a big reward--monster Great Whites.
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  8. S1 E8 - Bay of the Giants

    August 18, 2012
    The crew comes face to face with the 15-foot great whites of False Bay. The giant sharks cause mayhem on deck and push the men to their breaking point.
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  9. S1 E9 - Redemption

    August 25, 2012
    With the mission goal in reach, the crew of the Ocearch prepares to tag the biggest, baddest Great Whites to date, but tragedy puts the entire expedition in doubt.
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  10. S1 E10 - Never Give Up

    September 1, 2012
    In the final hours of the biggest great white expedition ever attempted, a pod of killer whales and a streak of bad luck force Chris to make a "Hail Mary" pass to get sharks on the line in untested waters.
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Chris FischerDirk Hoogstra


Alex SnowBrett McBride


A+E Networks
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