Masterfreak Theatre

Season 1
The show is a comedy-animated series, spoofing the presentation style of PBS's classic Masterpiece Theater. Hosted by the venerable Chaunceworth Von Boogie, each episode contains stand alone, off-the-wall comedy vignettes for the audience's viewing pleasure.
201610 episodes13+
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  1. S1 E1 - The First One
    October 11, 2016
    Four animated vignettes featuring a paranoid DJ, a new wave Dentist, a grocery store mishap, and a police officer looking to redeem a fallen musician.
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  2. S1 E2 - The Second One
    October 11, 2016
    Featuring four vignettes that include a bounty hunter tracking down a troubled son, a costume hero helping escort a woman home, a punch drunk boxer, and the music video for the song "Whip Inequality" bu the band Kounterclockwise.
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  3. S1 E3 - The Third One
    October 11, 2016
    Four vignettes featuring the world's greatest amateur fist fighter, a lewd photographer, an unusual trade between friends, and a violent rap artist needing anger management.
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  4. S1 E4 - The Fourth One
    October 11, 2016
    Five vignettes featuring an elderly man who becomes frustrated with a cult, a man who lives with his mother and creates his own super hero costume, a DJ in search of respect, two wrestlers talking trash, and a band performs.
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  5. S1 E5 - The Fifth One
    October 11, 2016
    Five vignettes featuring a loan collector who doesn't wear a shirt, a parolee searching for the long-lost love of his life, a white man suing a casino, a suburban mom making an unusual stop, and a news reporter interviewing the local town super hero.
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  6. S1 E6 - The Sixth One
    October 11, 2016
    Six vignettes featuring a musician who dresses like the artist Prince, a rude shock jock, an interview with Masterfreak Creator Jim Lujan, parody campaign ads, a montage of mayhem, and a music video for the song "Moonwalk" by the band Kounterclockwise.
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  7. S1 E7 - The Seventh One
    October 11, 2016
    Five vignettes featuring a car salesman having a bad day, a hitman who keeps losing his gun, a gang member giving his friends instructions, two men discussing paintings at an art show, and two critics reviewing a film.
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  8. S1 E8 - The Eighth One
    October 11, 2016
    Three vignettes featuring the full life story of Bobby Churro, a young boy battling a middle-aged man in a fantasy card game, and a toy fan talking trash to his rival.
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  9. S1 E9 - The Ninth One
    October 11, 2016
    Featuring four vignettes that include the story of a religious leader, a costumed vigilante in search of a bathroom bandit, an in-depth look at a synth-pop band, and a man trying to order concert tickets.
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  10. S1 E10 - The Tenth One
    October 11, 2016
    Four vignettes featuring the sequel to the story of a charismatic religious leader, another interview with Jim Lujan, two critics reviewing a short film, and the music video fro "Outside the Lines" by the band Kounterclockwise.
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Content advisory
Violencealcohol usesmokingfoul language
None available
Jim Lujan
Jim LujanSteven Sievers
Continuum Motion Pictures, Level 27 Media
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