Poaching Wars with Tom Hardy

Season 1
Hollywood superstar and animal lover Tom Hardy travels across Africa to uncover the dark reality of the illegal poaching of rhinos and elephants. The slaughter of these beasts could lead to extinction if more is not done to stop the trade in rhino horn and ivory. Tom meets various people involved in anti-poaching missions who hope to give these majestic animals a future.
20132 episodes16+
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  1. S1 E1 - Episode 1

    August 21, 2013
    Actor Tom Hardy is swapping Hollywood for Sub-Saharan Africa as he delves into the murky world of animal poaching. Starting his journey in South Africa, where 80 percent of the world's rhino can be found, he meets a man who is desperately trying to protect them. Tom also finds out where the poached rhino horns are sent and sold.
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  2. S1 E2 - Episode 2

    August 28, 2013
    Hollywood star Tom Hardy concludes his investigation into the plague of rhino and elephant poaching in Africa. He spends time with Botswana's army as they go on an armed patrol and quickly learns that fighting poachers is like battling a guerrilla war. As he travels through Mozambique and Tanzania, he meets local conservationists and politicians trying to stem this bloody trade.
    This title is unavailable due to expired rights


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Tom Hardy


Burning Bright Productions Ltd
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