Malgudi Days

Swami and Friends revolves around the life of ten-year-old Swaminathan, or Swami as he is known. Swami portrays the growing pangs of a boy who despises school, as he makes excuses and roams around Malgudi with his friends.
IMDb 9.419878 episodesX-Ray7+
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  1. S1 E1 - Malgudi Days Swami & Friends 1

    March 17, 1987
    Swami and Friends revolves around the Life of Ten years Old Swaminathan or Swami as he is known. Swami portrays the growing pangs of a boy who despises school as he makes excuses and roams around Malgudi with his friends.
    Available to buy
  2. S1 E2 - Malgudi Days Swami & Friends 2

    March 22, 1987
    Swami and Friends revolves around the Life of Ten years Old Swaminathan or Swami as he is known. Swami portrays the growing pangs of a boy who despises school as he makes excuses and roams around Malgudi with his friends.
    Available to buy
  3. S1 E3 - Malgudi Days Swami & Friends 3

    March 29, 1987
    Swami and Friends revolves around the Life of Ten years Old Swaminathan or Swami as he is known. Swami portrays the growing pangs of a boy who despises school as he makes excuses and roams around Malgudi with his friends.
    Available to buy
  4. S1 E4 - Malgudi Days Swami & Friends 4

    April 4, 1987
    Swami and Friends revolves around the Life of Ten years Old Swaminathan or Swami as he is known. Swami portrays the growing pangs of a boy who despises school as he makes excuses and roams around Malgudi with his friends.
    Available to buy
  5. S1 E5 - Malgudi Days Swami & Friends 5

    April 11, 1987
    Swami and Friends revolves around the Life of Ten years Old Swaminathan or Swami as he is known. Swami portrays the growing pangs of a boy who despises school as he makes excuses and roams around Malgudi with his friends.
    Available to buy
  6. S1 E6 - Malgudi Days Swami & Friends 6

    April 17, 1987
    Swami and Friends revolves around the Life of Ten years Old Swaminathan or Swami as he is known. Swami portrays the growing pangs of a boy who despises school as he makes excuses and roams around Malgudi with his friends.
    Available to buy
  7. S1 E7 - Malgudi Days Swami & Friends 7

    April 24, 1987
    Swami and Friends revolves around the Life of Ten years Old Swaminathan or Swami as he is known. Swami portrays the growing pangs of a boy who despises school as he makes excuses and roams around Malgudi with his friends.
    Available to buy
  8. S1 E8 - Malgudi Days Swami & Friends 8

    May 1, 1987
    Swami and Friends revolves around the Life of Ten years Old Swaminathan or Swami as he is known. Swami portrays the growing pangs of a boy who despises school as he makes excuses and roams around Malgudi with his friends.
    Available to buy


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Shankar Nag


T. S. Narasimhan


Master ManjunathGirish KarnadVaishali K ValliSuhasini AdarkarAshok BadardinniBarath BhushanShripatiVenkiKashiRaghuramRohit SrinathChetan


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