The Social Network

Ha vinto 3 OSCAR®
David Fincher’s The Social Network is the stunning tale of a new breed of cultural insurgent: a punk genius who sparked a revolution and changed the face of human interaction for a generation, and perhaps forever. Shot through with emotional brutality and unexpected humor, this superbly crafted film chronicles the formation of Facebook and the battles over ownership that follow...
IMDb 7,81 h 55 min2010PG-13
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Violenzauso di alcolscene con fumatorilinguaggio volgarecontenuto sessuale


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David Fincher


Scott RudinDana BrunettiMichael De LucaCean Chaffin


Jesse EisenbergAndrew GarfieldJustin TimberlakeArmie HammerRashida JonesMax MinghellaRooney MaraBrenda SongAdina PorterMalese JowJosh PenceJoseph MazzelloMarcella Lentz-PopeDouglas UrbanskiDakota JohnsonJohn GetzBarry LivingstonCaleb Landry JonesAmy Ferguson


Sony Pictures Entertainment Films India
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