Books That Matter: The Federalist Papers
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S1 E1 - A Blueprint for American Government
June 18, 202034minUnderstanding The Federalist Papers starts with understanding who wrote them and why they were written. In this opening episode, go back to 1787 to meet Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay to find out what challenges they faced in communicating the need for the new US Constitution.Free trial of The Great Courses Signature Collection or buyS1 E2 - A Democracy or a Republic?
June 18, 202034minThe Framers of the Constitution believed pure democracy was something to be feared for the way it would lead to the rise of factions, which would in turn tear apart the system. Was it possible to create a new model that offered the benefits of representative democracy without the problems of factions? See how the Framers tackled this conflict.Free trial of The Great Courses Signature Collection or buyS1 E3 - A Federation or a Nation?
June 18, 202035minWhen the Framers gathered in Philadelphia to write a new constitution, they essentially were representing a loose federation of nation-states. Their original charge was to modify the Articles of Confederation, but there was a solid case for a strong central government. Examine this dilemma and the compromises that Madison and Hamilton made.Free trial of The Great Courses Signature Collection or buyS1 E4 - American Federalism
June 18, 202033minGiven all the conflicts and compromises of 1787, how did the American federal system come about? How did the Framers solve the issues of the day while preserving flexibility for the future? Review the enumerated powers of the federal government and see how power was balanced between the federal government and the states.Free trial of The Great Courses Signature Collection or buyS1 E5 - Dual Sovereignty
June 18, 202034minThe system that emerged under the new constitution gave the federal government the ability to determine the scope of its own powers. What checks did the system place on the federal government? Who gets to decide when the federal government has violated its powers? Reflect on the powers of the states and the American people.Free trial of The Great Courses Signature Collection or buyS1 E6 - Popular Sovereignty and States’ Rights
June 18, 202033minThe idea of popular sovereignty (the power of the American people) reshaped the relationship between the states and the federal government. In this episode, consider the ever-changing relationship of the states to the federal government. See how the institution of slavery was the catalyst for a crisis.Free trial of The Great Courses Signature Collection or buyS1 E7 - The Separation of Powers
June 18, 202032minIn Federalist Nos. 47 through 51, James Madison explains why the concept of “separation of powers” is so important for the future of the American government. Dig into these five amazing essays to understand what the familiar term “separation of powers” really means, and why he was so optimistic about America’s future.Free trial of The Great Courses Signature Collection or buyS1 E8 - The Federal Legislature
June 18, 202032minJames Madison believed the legislature posed the greatest threat to the integrity of the system the Framers had so carefully designed. In “Federalist No. 48,” “Federalist No. 51,” and elsewhere, he laid out warnings about the legislature seizing too much power, as well as the solution of a bicameral legislature. Delve into this thorny issue.Free trial of The Great Courses Signature Collection or buyS1 E9 - The President of the United States
June 18, 202032minShift your attention from the legislature to the chief executive, the single most powerful government official in the world today. But, as you'll learn in your exploration of The Federalist Papers, the Framers had a different view of the presidency. Review Alexander Hamilton’s essays about the office and the powers of the president.Free trial of The Great Courses Signature Collection or buyS1 E10 - The Federal Judiciary
June 18, 202033minRound out your study of the branches of government with an in-depth look at the federal judiciary, one of the three branches of the federal government. The Framers believed the judiciary was the branch least likely to infringe on the liberty of the American people. Reflect on its role and its power, then review the most important constitutional law case in American History: Marbury v. Madison.Free trial of The Great Courses Signature Collection or buyS1 E11 - The Evolution of American Federalism
June 18, 202033minThe story of the Constitution is one of both stability and change. In this episode, take a look at some of the most important ways the Constitution has evolved over the past 230 years. Consider whether the changes have largely honored the original spirit of the Constitution or broken faith with the vision of the Framers.Free trial of The Great Courses Signature Collection or buyS1 E12 - The Future of the United States Constitution
June 18, 202035minWhat does the future look like for America’s democratic republic? As you've seen, one of the most important trends has been the gradual increase in federal power, but the tension between federal and state power remains. Is there still a future for republican government? What might a Second Constitutional Convention look like? And would we want to find out?Free trial of The Great Courses Signature Collection or buy
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