
Monkey Life

Set in the Monkey World Ape Rescue Centre in Dorset, UK, Monkey Life follows the nail-biting rescue and rehabilitation stories of some of the most abused and neglected monkeys in the world, and the unwavering hard work of Jim and Alison Cronin in their ongoing mission to stop the illegal smuggling of primates from the wild.
200714 episodes16+
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  1. S1 E1 - Episode 1

    August 17, 2007
    In today's programme, the nursery chimps get the better of Animal Manager Jeremy, but he has his revenge! We meet chimpanzee Paddy, he's been the perfect leader of his group for more than 15 years. And we find out why new alpha male Hananya is struggling with life at the top. And there's tension when a baby Woolly Monkey is born, instead of being tucked up with mum, it's attached to dad!
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  2. S1 E2 - Episode 2

    August 18, 2007
    In today's programme, there's a challenge for the staff as 4 chimps 'move house' on one day - this is the park's biggest move around yet. We meet baby chimps Ash & Rodders having breakfast at home with keepers Emma and Paul. And, Monkey World is the European crèche for baby orangutans who need a home - there's news from Russia of an orang-utan orphan who needs a family.
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  3. S1 E3 - Episode 3

    August 19, 2007
    In today's programme, keeper Mike is on a monkey mission in Moscow for a baby orang-utan called Joly. And back at the park her future home has been built. Her soon-to-be orang housemates give it their seal of approval! And in Paddy's chimp group, there's a 'toddler tantrum' from Eddi. She's growing up which means having to fend for herself, and she's not happy about it!
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  4. S1 E4 - Episode 4

    August 20, 2007
    Baby orang-utan Joly arrives at the park from Moscow. Jim and Alison come to greet her but her new housemate Hsiao-Ning isn't so pleased to see her! Joly isn't the only new arrival as orang-utan Ro-Ro gives birth. Animal Manager Jeremy captures the incredible moment on camera. Unlike her first attempt at motherhood, all the signs look good. But the baby must feed.
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  5. S1 E5 - Episode 5

    August 21, 2007
    In today's programme, one of the parks most loveable characters, chimpanzee Charlie has to undergo emergency dental surgery. But the damage is worse than expected... Sadly orang-utan Ro-Ro isn't feeding her new baby daughter. For its own health the team have to take the baby away... And chimp Seamus has failed to make any friends in Hananya's group. He moves back to his old nursery troop.
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  6. S1 E6 - Episode 6

    August 22, 2007
    In today's programme we catch up with the two newest chimp hooligans who have joined the boisterous bachelor group - Çarli and Gypsy! And Jim and Alison are on a rescue mission to Hungary to collect stump- tailed macaque Koko. She's been living in a pet-shop cage for 20 years and the team gets a feisty greeting!
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  7. S1 E7 - Episode 7

    August 23, 2007
    In today's programme, nerves run high as the team waits to see if another female orang-utan will care for Ro-Ro's baby daughter. The orang-utan nursery mob love spending time in their new outside enclosure, and stubborn Hsiao-Ning is even starting to enjoy life! And in Hananya's chimp group, Patricia is finding it difficult to relax when she's in the company of the alpha male.
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  8. S1 E8 - Episode 8

    August 24, 2007
    In today's programme, the bachelor chimpanzee boys are up to their usual hooligan tricks! Baby woolly monkey Julio is coming on in leaps and bounds as he's introduced to his woolly monkey family. The animal manager Jeremy, treats the orang-utan nursery to some sweet stuff and the vet is called - there's concern as one of the chimps is struck down with a mystery illness.
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  9. S1 E9 - Episode 9

    August 25, 2007
    The park welcomes its first baby golden-cheeked gibbon. Peanut and Pung-Yo have become parents! Animal Manager, Jeremy, takes baby Dinda into the orang-utan nursery. She meets her new family, but her sister, Hsiao-Ning has a temper tantrum when she doesn't get her own way! And we meet Gismo, a capuchin with a tragic past. It's taken the park 3 long years to rehabilitate him.
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  10. S1 E10 - Episode 10

    August 26, 2007
    In today's programme, there's a shocking exit from park for a capuchin monkey family. We witness the difficulty of primate rescue missions in Britain. There's news, that after a year long struggle, the team can go to Mexico to rescue a young male chimpanzee, Bryan. And it's time for baby woolly monkey Julio to leave his life living with humans and join his woolly monkey family full-time.
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  11. S1 E11 - Episode 11

    August 27, 2007
    Today's programme is a special one. Jim and Alison are in Mexico for a young male chimp called Bryan. He was being used as a beach photographer's prop and needs a new home with his own kind. Jim gets to fulfil one of his lifetime dreams, releasing baby turtles into the ocean. And Jim and Alison desperately search for a female chimp called Coco.
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  12. S1 E12 - Episode 12

    August 28, 2007
    In today's programme, toddler chimpanzee Bryan recovers from his 5000 mile journey from Mexico to start life at the park. Head keeper Lee gives him breakfast. We check in with the other chimp babies in the park's nursery. And there's a medical emergency - ten year-old female chimp, Joline, has taken a turn for the worse.
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  13. S1 E13 - Episode 13

    August 29, 2007
    In today's programme, the primate care staff are concerned about bachelor group chimp, Freddy. He undergoes a colonoscopy, to make sure nothing sinister is going on. Toddler chimp Bryan, who was rescued from Mexico, is settling in well. He's given a health-check before he joins his new family group. And it's catch up with chimp babies Ash & Rodders.
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  14. S1 E14 - Episode 14

    August 30, 2007
    In today's programme, Jim checks up on one of the parks most loveable characters, chimpanzee Charlie. Jim's worried he is being picked on by the rest of the group at meal times. The life of Bryan continues, as the new Mexican chimp meets Sally, who will hopefully be his new foster mum. And the park faces an irreplaceable loss. Jim Cronin, has sadly passed away after a short battle with cancer.
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Natalie Spanier


Andy Serkis


Primate Planet Productions Limited
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