

People get a chance to change.
IMDb 6.6201321 episodes16+
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  1. S12 E1 - Basketball Player - Kenneth

    May 4, 2012
    Kenneth is a dancing diva who's determined to gain the acceptance of his military father by being MADE into a basketball player.
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  2. S12 E2 - Perfect Boyfriend - Ben

    June 5, 2012
    Ben has no luck in love and is hoping to be MADE into the Perfect Boyfriend.
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  3. S12 E3 - Ladies Man - Josh

    May 4, 2012
    In hopes of finally feeling good enough, Josh wants to be MADE into a confident and cool Ladies' Man!
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  4. S12 E4 - Actress - Mary

    June 6, 2012
    Mary is being MADE into an actress, and she has 30 days to book a role in her first commercial. But Mary is caught between the old world values of her parents and the new world of show business.
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  5. S12 E5 - Softball Player - Elizabeth

    May 4, 2012
    Beth's dad taught her how to play softball. When he died four years ago, she gave it all up but now she's ready to deal with her grief and make it onto her high school's team.
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  6. S12 E6 - Cheerleader - Arly

    May 4, 2012
    Arly wants to be made into a high kicking cheerleader. She has four weeks to prove that she has tamed her angry behavior, but Arly will test everyone around her while she figures out if she can go from hellcat to cheerleader.
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  7. S12 E7 - Professional Artist - Travis

    January 10, 2003
    Graffitti artists, Travis, has always had a knack for painting famous characters and logos, but now he wants to step it up and become a professional artist. Will he have the talent to create and sell originals.
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  8. S12 E8 - Catalina Island

    April 3, 2013
    Four childhood friends reunite on California's Catalina Island with a dream to start their own matchmaking business.
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  9. S12 E9 - Fashion Stylist - Alyssa

    April 14, 2013
    Alyssa is a small-town fashion student who wants to be MADE into a professional stylist. But the opportunity to style celebrities for the 2012 Teen Choice Awards may prove to be too much pressure to handle.
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  10. S12 E10 - Comedy Actresses

    June 10, 2012
    Three college students, inspired by Tina Fey, try to become professional improv comediennes.
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  11. S12 E11 - Professional Wrestler - DeAnna

    November 14, 2012
    Unemployed and living at home, DeAnna wants to fight for her future by being MADE into a pro wrestler.
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  12. S12 E12 - Fashion Mogul - Reyes

    June 12, 2012
    Louis Reyes wants to take his small tee shirt business and make it a full on fashion line to make a better life for he and his daughter.
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  13. S12 E13 - Tough Mudder - Shane

    October 9, 2012
    Shane Romano is a college coed who's determined to overcome a personal tragedy by being MADE into a Tough Mudder.
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  14. S12 E14 - Circus Performer - Ashley

    October 14, 2012
    Ashley is a recent college grad who wants to be made into a circus performer.
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  15. S12 E15 - Celebrity Assistant - Chris

    October 8, 2012
    Determined to assist a Hollywood Star, Chris struggles to stay with the program, as he's MADE into a Celebrity Assistant.
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  16. S12 E16 - Boxer - Derek

    January 4, 2013
    Derek is the son of the late boxing legend, Smokin' Joe Frazier and wants to honor his father's memory by being MADE into boxer himself.
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  17. S12 E17 - Dream Date - Emily

    January 4, 2013
    Emily Pohas fears that her weight and her lack of self-confidence will hold her back from finding true love. She wants to be MADE into a sexy, outgoing young woman and finally get the chance to go on her ultimate "Dream Date."
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  18. S12 E18 - Stunt Woman - Katie

    March 31, 2013
    Katie is an only child who relies on her mom for everything. Now she's ready to step out on her own and get her life into gear by being MADE into a professional stunt woman.
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  19. S12 E19 - Comedian - Rob

    January 4, 2013
    Rob is a Jersey boy who is always looking for a laugh. Now he's determined to turn his humor into a career by being MADE into a Stand-Up Comedian. Featuring Jim Breuer and J.B. Smoove.
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  20. S12 E20 - Tough Mudders (GVSU Girls)

    January 4, 2013
    Kaitlin, Megan, Melissa and Lexi are college roommates who want to show everyone that they can do something way beyond their comfort zone by being MADE into Tough Mudders.
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  21. S12 E21 - Salsa Dancer - Chinesa

    January 4, 2013
    Chinesa Rusch is a college senior who wants to shed her shy, nerdy persona and be MADE into a seductive Salsa Dancer. But will she be able to conquer her social anxiety before she steps into the spotlight?
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