
Ministry of Evil: The Twisted Cult of Tony Alamo

Season 1
Dive deep into the cult you've never heard of. Ministry of Evil chronicles the life and crimes of televangelist turned cult-leader Tony Alamo. By skirting the law and enforcing a code of silence among their followers, Tony and his wife Susan came to wield unimaginable power, becoming millionaires on the backs of their believers.
IMDb 6.820194 episodesX-Ray18+
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  1. S1 E1 - Ministry of Evil Ep. 1

    February 26, 2019
    Televangelists Tony and Susan Alamo recruit nomads to join their cult in the 1960s.
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  2. S1 E2 - Ministry of Evil Ep. 2

    March 5, 2019
    Tony and Susan's grip on power is challenged as Susan becomes ill and law enforcement closes in.
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  3. S1 E3 - Ministry of Evil Ep. 3

    March 12, 2019
    Alamo orders those who remain loyal to him to leave the compound while he tries to evade arrest.
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  4. S1 E4 - Ministry of Evil Ep. 4

    March 19, 2019
    Tony Alamo begins to make young girls his "wives" and some ex-members urge the FBI to intervene.
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