pbs kids

Dinosaur Train

Dinosaur Train is seen through the eyes of Buddy, a preschool-aged Tyrannosaurus Rex. Buddy and his adoptive family of Pteranodons go for adventures on the Dinosaur Train to meet all kinds of dinosaurs in different eras and learn fascinating new facts about these incredible creatures.
IMDb 6.5200911 episodesX-RayALL
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  1. S7 E1 - Solar Train/Bird Watching

    October 5, 2014
    Our Pteranodon family accompanies Mr. Conductor to the Troodon Town Roundhouse to meet up with Thurston Troodon, the Rocket Train's conductor. They soon learn that Tricia Troodon actually invited everyone there to see her new train, the Solar Train, which is powered by the sun! /Buddy and Tiny give Elliot Enantiornithine, a first timer on the Dinosaur Train, a tour of the Train.
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  2. S7 E2 - Rocket Train Surprise Party/ Cloudy with a Chance of Fun

    October 5, 2014
    After Buddy, Tiny, Shiny and Don learn that it's Mr. Conductor's birthday, they decide to throw him a surprise party on his favorite place - the Dinosaur Train!/ As the Pteranodon kids play in their family nest, Buddy stares at a sky full of clouds and asks the group, "What are clouds?"
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  3. S7 E3 - Tiny's Fishing Friend/Butterflies

    October 5, 2014
    Tiny can't believe it when he finds out that his friend Cindy Cimolestes doesn't like fish, but she explains that she's a mammal and many mammals don't eat fish./One morning at the family nest, Don befriends a Butterfly that he names Dan. Don, Buddy, Tiny and Shiny watch Dan and three "sibling" butterflies fly around.
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  4. S7 E4 - Best Ever Babysitter/Plant a Tree

    September 15, 2014
    Buddy, Tiny, Shiny and Don are excited that Keira Chirostenotes gets to babysit them for the night while Mr. and Mrs. Pteranodon go out for a dinner on the Dinosaur Night Train./The Pteranodon kids are spending the day with Grandma and Grandpa Pteranodon! On the Dinosaur Train on the way to their grandparents', Buddy, Tiny, Shiny and Don learn about sycamore trees.
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  5. S7 E5 - One Big Frog/Caving with Vlad

    October 26, 2014
    The Pteranodon kids are playing a game called "I'm the Biggest," which raises the question: how big is the biggest frog? Dad takes the kids on the Dinosaur Train to find the biggest frog ever, the legendary Beelzebufo./The Pteranodon family rides the "Night Train" all the way back to the Jurassic to visit their nocturnal friend, Vlad Volaticotherium, who wants to take them caving!
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  6. S7 E6 - Classic in the Jurassic: Turtle and Therapod Race/Hungry, Hungry Carnivores

    August 19, 2014
    The Pteranodon family travels to the 'Classic in the Jurassic', an Olympics type competition in which dinosaur teams representing the three Mesozoic time periods will compete in various contests./Buddy, Tiny and Mrs. Pteranodon are eating lunch and even though they've just eaten a big fish meal, Buddy is still hungry, so she takes the kids on the Dinosaur Train so Buddy can eat some carrion.
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  7. S7 E7 - Classic in the Jurassic: Air Obstacle Race/King and Crystal Live!

    August 19, 2014
    At the 'Classic in the Jurassic,' it's a race between pterosaurs. Teddy Pterodaustro finishes first and shows everyone how he filters plankton through his teeth to prove that he did indeed get food from the pond! Teddy is declared the winner!/Buddy, Tiny and Mom are riding the Dinosaur Train where Crystal Cryolophosaurus is on her way to visit King Cryolophosaurus and invites our family along.
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  8. S7 E8 - Classic in the Jurassic: Air, Water, and Land/Desert Day and Night

    August 19, 2014
    At the 'Classic in the Jurassic,' today's "Air, Water and Land" contest is a three-part competition pitting teams consisting of a pterosaur and a crocodile from each Time Period against one another./The Pteranodon kids think that the desert must be hot all the time, but learn from Mr. Pteranodon that there might be more variety in the desert then they imagined.
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  9. S7 E9 - Classic in the Jurassic: Ultimate Face-Off/Back in Time

    August 20, 2014
    The `Classic in the Jurassic' games are back, and this time, it's the Ultimate Smackdown. Mr. Conductor explains the "wrestling" matchups from the three Time Periods feature carnivores vs. herbivores and the best choreographed and most entertaining show wins!/Buddy and Tiny start wondering aloud whether the Triassic was the beginning of time, and if there was anything before the Age of Dinosaurs.
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  10. S7 E10 - Zeppelin: Waterfall/Zeppelin: Atoll

    October 1, 2014
    The Pteranodon kids are riding the Dinosaur Train with friend Quincy Queztalcoatlus. When they pass by a waterfall, Buddy comments on how big it is! Quincy's dad mentions a giant waterfall at the edge of the Western Interior Sea./When the Pteranodon family spots Annie and her herd migrating to follow the food, the Pteranodon kids wonder if other creatures, even marine mammals, also migrate.
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  11. S7 E11 - Zeppelin: Pangaea/Zeppelin: Crater

    June 14, 2015
    When the Pteranodon kids draw maps, Don's map of one big land mass for "the whole Mesozoic." The Conductor explains that millions of years ago there actually was just one big land mass called Pangaea./As the Pteranodon kids are playing, a few seedpods fall from a nearby tree, bonking Don on the head. This leads to a discussion about how far away things can fall from...maybe even from space?
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