Funny Money

第 1 季
Meet Insurgio, an immigrant who has come to America with a dream: to open a premiere strip club! Unfortunately he doesn't know much about life in America...or about staffing a club...or running a club...
20206 集適合 18 歲以上


  1. 季第 1 集1 - Grand Opening
    1 小時 5 分鐘
    適合 18 歲以上
    Meet Insurgio, an immigrant with a dream: to come to America, and open the biggest and best club the world has ever seen! Unfortunately he doesn't know the first thing about staffing the club...running a club...and when he brings a huge critic to the Grand Opening of the Naughty Monkey, his new staff just might not measure up...
  2. 季第 1 集2 - The Cokesode
    35 分鐘
    適合 18 歲以上
    Two members of Rough Sex have discovered religion, and feel remorse for how Chaz Melton was removed. Desiring to fix their karma, Beard and Chaz Meltun bring a special gift to the disgraced rock star...
  3. 季第 1 集3 - Operation: Red Dawn Romero
    35 分鐘
    適合 18 歲以上
    Unable to cope with no longer being a rich and famous rock star, Chaz Melton decides to take the easy way out...but a chance encounter with Clyde turns into a whirlwind night of fending off undead versions of all of their coworkers in pursuit of Clyde's ultimate American Dream objective...
  4. 季第 1 集4 - The Rise of M.C. Wizard Weird Beard
    35 分鐘
    適合 18 歲以上
    Officer Terrance Moore has gone undercover in an attempt to bust Insurgio committing a crime, but the only crime committed is against the music industry as Tim Beard falls off the club pole, bangs his head on the stage, and wakes with a slightly...different personality.
  5. 季第 1 集5 - Pimpin' Ain't Easy
    35 分鐘
    適合 18 歲以上
    Officer Moore is suspicious of the Pimp rumored to be hanging out at the club, and finally gets the leads he needs to bring down Insurgio.
  6. 季第 1 集6 - The Downfall of Insurgio the Great
    35 分鐘
    適合 18 歲以上
    As the cops close in and Rough Sex disintegrates, Insurgio is in for the surprise of his life while the mob and Fuller Huffman look to make their move.