The Decembrists

第 1 季
On the morning of 14 December 1825, members of Russia's top noble families assembled armed troops in Senate Square, St. Petersburg in an attempt to start a revolution against the Tsar. By nightfall, however, after unsuccessful negotiations and several rounds of artillery fire, it was all over. The organizers of the revolt, later called the Decembrists, were arrested and accused of high treason.
20172 集適合 13 歲以上


  1. 季第 1 集1 - Episode 1
    51 分鐘
    適合 13 歲以上
    On December 14, 1825, when the whole country swore an oath to the new sovereign Nicholas I, the rebel Guards units reached the main square of the empire to break the oath. No one knew that revolutionaries were active in the ranks of the rebels. Fire was opened on the crowd. As a result, more than a thousand people died.
  2. 季第 1 集2 - Episode 2
    52 分鐘
    適合 13 歲以上
    On the morning of December 20, 1825, Nicholas I assembled a diplomatic corps in the Winter Palace. He considered it necessary to publicly explain what is happening. On the eve, December 14, was to take the oath. However, part of the guard refused to swear allegiance to the new emperor. Fire was opened on the rebels. The investigation of this case will take exactly six months.


