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Big Brother

Big Brother will follow a group of strangers living together in a house outfitted with dozens of cameras and microphones recording their every move 24 hours a day, seven days a week. One by one, the Houseguests will vote each other out of the house until at the end of three months, the last remaining Houseguest will win the grand prize.
IMDb 5.6200628 集
訂閱 Paramount+ 的費用為 US$5.99 / 月


  1. 季第 7 集1 - Episode 1
    42 分鐘
    Julie Chen welcomes 14 All-Stars into the BB house, and six hopefuls are locked out. Shortly thereafter, the first HoH Competition takes place, and nominations soon follow. Alliances form quickly, but are they premature? Time will tell.
    訂閱 Paramount+ 的費用為 US$5.99 / 月
  2. 季第 7 集2 - Episode 2
    38 分鐘
    The other All-Stars see the BB 6 players as a threat, and several conspire to break their "Sea-Sick" (Season Six) alliance. Nominees Danielle and Alison try their best in the Power of Veto Competition, which involves diving, but not the kind of diving you might think.
    訂閱 Paramount+ 的費用為 US$5.99 / 月
  3. 季第 7 集3 - Episode 3
    42 分鐘
    Nominees Danielle and Alison both lobby hard to swing the votes, but it's not enough for Ali, who gets evicted. In the HoH Competition, the HouseGuests must read Alison's mind, and Kaysar emerges victorious as the new HoH.
    訂閱 Paramount+ 的費用為 US$5.99 / 月
  4. 季第 7 集4 - Episode 4
    43 分鐘
    With lieutenants Janelle and Howie at his back, Kaysar feels secure in the HoH Room as he considers his nomination options. A very messy Food Competition leaves half the household eating well while the other gets slop.
    訂閱 Paramount+ 的費用為 US$5.99 / 月
  5. 季第 7 集5 - Episode 5
    43 分鐘
    Kaysar's nominees, Diane and Nakomis, hope that the PoV will save one of them. Chilltown allies Will and Boogie do their best to sway those not in the Season 6 alliance. Will the PoV winner save one of the women on the block?
    訂閱 Paramount+ 的費用為 US$5.99 / 月
  6. 季第 7 集6 - Episode 6
    42 分鐘
    Both Diane and Nakomis try their best to stay in the house, but one has to go. Afterwards, the HoH Competition is a Q and A testing the HouseGuests' visual memory and powers of observation.
    訂閱 Paramount+ 的費用為 US$5.99 / 月
  7. 季第 7 集7 - Episode 7
    43 分鐘
    The Food Competition banishes Slop for the week, as the HouseGuests win menus for each day. First-time HoH James has the whole house nervous, and his bold nomination picks spark speculation. Will the PoV make a difference?
    訂閱 Paramount+ 的費用為 US$5.99 / 月
  8. 季第 7 集8 - Episode 8
    43 分鐘
    After the PoV Competition, several HouseGuests look like Smurfs, two are bald, and Jase's hair turns blue. An unexpected PoV winner upsets James' scheme, forcing S-6 to switch to Plan B.
    訂閱 Paramount+ 的費用為 US$5.99 / 月
  9. 季第 7 集9 - Episode 9
    42 分鐘
    Both Will and Jase insist that they don't want to stay in the house, but both canvas for votes. Ultimately, one of the nominees gets his wish and is evicted. The ensuing HoH Competition ends with the crowning of a second-time HoH.
    訂閱 Paramount+ 的費用為 US$5.99 / 月
  10. 季第 7 集10 - Episode 10
    43 分鐘
    While HoH Janelle agonizes over her nominations, she entertains "advice" from Chilltown and the floaters. Her final nomination choices promise to shake up the household. In the Food Competition, several HouseGuests are assigned to a week on the dreaded Slop by their housemates.
    訂閱 Paramount+ 的費用為 US$5.99 / 月
  11. 季第 7 集11 - Episode 11
    43 分鐘
    The Power of Veto Competition yields a very lucky winner who exercises the Veto to change the nominations. HoH Janelle nominates a floater, and alliances shift again.
    訂閱 Paramount+ 的費用為 US$5.99 / 月
  12. 季第 7 集12 - Episode 12
    42 分鐘
    After intense lobbying, fighting and backstabbing, one of the floaters is evicted. The HoH Competition kicks off a week of competitions requiring the HouseGuests to choose between power and temptation.
    訂閱 Paramount+ 的費用為 US$5.99 / 月
  13. 季第 7 集13 - Episode 13
    43 分鐘
    Last episode's HoH Competition was a cliffhanger--actually a webhanger--and Black Widow Danielle manages to cling the longest and win the crown. As she promised, Danielle gets revenge on the S-6 alliance with her nominations.
    訂閱 Paramount+ 的費用為 US$5.99 / 月
  14. 季第 7 集14 - Episode 14
    43 分鐘
    With Janelle and James on the block, the PoV Competition has special significance for S-6, Chilltown and the Legion of Doom. The competition offers the players some tough choices, and one HouseGuest is willing to risk it all to win. After the Veto Ceremony, the household is in chaos again, with the HouseGuests sleeping on cots, taking cold showers and eating Slop.
    訂閱 Paramount+ 的費用為 US$5.99 / 月
  15. 季第 7 集15 - Episode 15
    42 分鐘
    Both Kaysar and James want to stay, but one is ultimately evicted. After a particularly spooky HoH Competition, a new HoH takes charge. Julie Chen announces a new twist that could transform the game: the Coup d'Etat.
    訂閱 Paramount+ 的費用為 US$5.99 / 月
  16. 季第 7 集16 - Episode 16
    43 分鐘
    Technical difficulties force a redo of the HoH Competition, with different results. In the Food Competition, the HouseGuests must impress a panel of judges from seasons past with a set of Slop-based recipes. The new HoH nominates two floaters.
    訂閱 Paramount+ 的費用為 US$5.99 / 月
  17. 季第 7 集17 - Episode 17
    43 分鐘
    The PoV Competition brings back events and HouseGuests from seasons past. One of Janelle's nominees wins the Power of Veto and saves herself. Are Boogie and Erika involved in a showmance?
    訂閱 Paramount+ 的費用為 US$5.99 / 月
  18. 季第 7 集18 - Episode 18
    42 分鐘
    In a tearful Eviction Ceremony, one nominee is shown the door. Julie Chen informs Mike Boogie that he's winner of the Coup d'Etat but must use within the next three weeks. On Prom Night, a new HoH is installed, but will reign for only 24 hours and must immediately make nominations.
    訂閱 Paramount+ 的費用為 US$5.99 / 月
  19. 季第 7 集19 - Episode 19
    43 分鐘
    The PoV winner forces short-time HoH George to name a replacement nominee, who is swiftly evicted. A special HoH Competition results in a first-time win for one All-Star and yet another power shift in the house.
    訂閱 Paramount+ 的費用為 US$5.99 / 月
  20. 季第 7 集20 - Episode 20
    43 分鐘
    After both nominees play victim, one wins the PoV, and HoH Boogie swaps in a surprise. While Will secretly resolves to turn her into a femme-bot, Janelle forms a new alliance.
    訂閱 Paramount+ 的費用為 US$5.99 / 月
  21. 季第 7 集21 - Episode 21
    42 分鐘
    Dani and James lobby hard to keep him in the house, but the other HouseGuests aren't committing. Despite some intense strategizing, a tough player is evicted. The HoH Competition results could mean trouble for Chilltown.
    訂閱 Paramount+ 的費用為 US$5.99 / 月
  22. 季第 7 集22 - Episode 22
    43 分鐘
    In the Food Competition, the HouseGuests win a high-protein, high-alcohol diet for the next week, and George gets a much-needed Slop pass. "Lance Showmance," aka Boogie, does his best to work on Erika. HoH Erika announces her nominations.
    訂閱 Paramount+ 的費用為 US$5.99 / 月
  23. 季第 7 集23 - Episode 23
    43 分鐘
    Neil Patrick Harris brings Christmas in August to the BB House, delighting the star-struck HouseGuests. He spends some time in the Diary Room and on Will's trampoline. The PoV Competition is tense, but one lucky nominee wins it and HoH Erika is forced to swap in another.
    訂閱 Paramount+ 的費用為 US$5.99 / 月
  24. 季第 7 集24 - Episode 24
    43 分鐘
    BIG BROTHER packs a whole week of activity into this single episode, with an eviction, the HoH Competition, the PoV Competition and a second eviction.
    訂閱 Paramount+ 的費用為 US$5.99 / 月
  25. 季第 7 集25 - Episode 25
    43 分鐘
    The Final Four are split into two showmances, but Chilltown still looks like the only real deal in the BB house. The winner of the high-stakes HoH Competition stands firm and nominates two of the four.
    訂閱 Paramount+ 的費用為 US$5.99 / 月
顯示全部 28 集



English [CC]
Mark W. RodenQuinn SaundersAnthony GonzalesPhilip Abatecola
Clayton HalseyJulie Chen MoonvesPhil Proctor