Skin Hunters
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S1 B1 - The Birth of Evil
29 Ekim 202436 dakIn 1990s Łódź, Poland, the story of “skin hunters” begins as morticians and emergency workers work out a system to trade data on deaths for money.Max ücretsiz üyeliğiS1 B2 - Awaiting Death
29 Ekim 202442 dakOver the course of a decade, "skin trading" grows into a full-blown information system that draws in more medical workers, including doctors and paramedics who intentionally delay or slow arrivals to the hospital.Max ücretsiz üyeliğiS1 B3 - The Final Breath
5 Kasım 202438 dakAfter a new doctor becomes director in the emergency department, he notices an alarmingly excessive use of a powerful muscle relaxant. As he teams up with trusted staff for an internal investigation, journalists are conducting their own at the same time.Max ücretsiz üyeliğiS1 B4 - The Perfect Crime?
5 Kasım 202448 dak2002. An explosive investigative article on the skin hunters puts pressure on local law enforcement. But as they hit a wall in finding evidence that victims were killed, one paramedic's chilling testimony emerges.Max ücretsiz üyeliği
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İçerik danışma
- Yanıp sönen ışıklar
Alt Yazılar
- Yok
- Aleksandra Potoczek
- Marta Fujak
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