Family Guy
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TV Dizisi Sezon Pasosu ile her bölümde tasarruf edin. Yayınlanan bölümleri hemen, ileri tarihte yayınlanacak bölümleri sonra izleyin.
S22 B1 - Fertilized Megg
1 Ekim 202322 dakMeg agrees to be Bruce and Jeffery’s surrogate.Satın alınabilirS22 B2 - Supermarket Pete
8 Ekim 202322 dakPeter takes a new job.Satın alınabilirS22 B3 - A 'Stache from the Past
22 Ekim 202322 dakPeter loses the Griffins' home.Satın alınabilirS22 B4 - Old World Harm
5 Kasım 202322 dakPeter and Lois vacation in Florida.Satın alınabilirS22 B5 - Baby, It's Cold Inside
12 Kasım 202322 dakPeter and Lois celebrate their anniversary.Satın alınabilirS22 B6 - Boston Stewie
19 Kasım 202322 dakStewie tries to civilize his half-brother.Satın alınabilirS22 B7 - Snap(ple) Decision
26 Kasım 202322 dakLois wins a Snapple contest.Satın alınabilirS22 B8 - Baking Sad
3 Aralık 202322 dakMeg discovers her tears produce delicious cookies.Satın alınabilirS22 B9 - The Return of the King (of Queens) [Christmas]
17 Aralık 202322 dakLois sells the family television.Satın alınabilirS22 B11 - Teacher's Heavy Pet
12 Mart 202422 dakLouis joins Chris's school as a substitute teacher, launching him into the cool kids club...but only time will tell how long he remains a member.Satın alınabilirS22 B12 - Take This Job and Love It
19 Mart 202422 dakPeter and his friends wonder aloud about what their dream jobs would be. Peter enters a sequence a la James Bond, where he goes by the name Band and has to fight his nemesis, Blofella (aka Stewie). Quagmire reflects on his job as an aerobics instructor in the '80s, which was his dream before he got run out of business by Jane Fonda. Cleveland and Joe take part in a Lethal Weapon sequence, where toSatın alınabilirS22 B13 - Lifeguard Meg
26 Mart 202422 dakStewie and Brian become overwhelmed after winning a coffee shop. Peter and his friends annoy Meg at her new lifeguard job when they don’t follow the pool rules.Süresi dolmuş haklar nedeniyle bu başlık kullanılamıyorS22 B14 - Fat Actor
9 Nisan 202422 dakPeter tries to protest Hollywood after learning that Brad Pitt was cast in a biopic about a politician. After Pitt injures himself on set, Peter must act out the role himself.Satın alınabilirS22 B15 - Faith No More
16 Nisan 202422 dakBrian becomes romantically interested in someone and it inspires him to use Stewie's time machine. Strange consequences result from their journey.Satın alınabilir
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