Yatılı Okul
S2 B1 - Episode 1
31 Mart 202252 dakFollowing the student rebellion over the death of Elías, Las Cumbres Boarding School has become harsher and more hostile than ever. But now that Amaia and Paul know that Adèle has seen Manuel alive, they won't rest until they find him.Prime'a KatılınS2 B2 - Episode 2
31 Mart 202257 dakAfter finding out who kidnapped Manuel, Paul and Amaia keep their eyes on the culprit. Their tireless pursuit takes them to sinister locations where they discover a great mystery surrounding León... and perhaps Inés too?.Prime'a KatılınS2 B3 - Episode 3
31 Mart 202253 dakThe students, increasingly beaten down by the measures inflicted on them by the boarding school, find proof that would prove everything to the police. How can they get it to the outside world from inside this prison?Prime'a KatılınS2 B4 - Episode 4
31 Mart 202256 dakThe incessant struggle to expose all the secrets the boarding school keeps hidden eventually leads the students to an even greater revelation… Who is Inés, really? And what does she have to do with what's happening to them in there?Prime'a KatılınS2 B5 - Episode 5
31 Mart 202251 dakWhile continuing their investigation into Inés and León's true identities, an unexpected arrival surprises the students, putting all their plans on hold.Prime'a KatılınS2 B6 - Episode 6
31 Mart 202250 dakManuel's return to the boarding school arouses Paul's suspicions. Is his behaviour a natural reaction to the traumatic experience he's been through, or is he hiding something?Prime'a KatılınS2 B7 - Episode 7
31 Mart 202251 dakFrustrated at not being able to report Corax's crimes, the kids react with anger. They'll soon discover that their worst nightmares might just become a reality.Prime'a KatılınS2 B8 - Episode 8
31 Mart 202255 dakLights in the sky have always been a bad omen. And tonight, the sky is filled with lanterns.Prime'a Katılın
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İçerik danışma
- Yanıp sönen ışıklar çıplaklık şiddet korkutucu sahneler madde kullanımı alkol kullanımı sigara kullanımı küfürlü konuşma cinsel içerik
Alt Yazılar
- Yok
- Denis Rovira van BoekholtMikel RuedaCarles TorrensOriol FerrerJesús RodrigoAlexandra GrafLaura Belloso
Oyuncu Kadrosu
- Albert SalazarJoel BosquedMina El HammaniClaudia RieraDaniela RubioNatalia DicentaLucas VelascoAsia OrtegaAitor BeltránCarlos Alcaide
- INTERNADO T2 AIE, The Mediapro Studio, Atresmedia Studio
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